JavaScript Weekly
Issue 332 — April 28, 2017
Redux is a popular library for managing state within JS apps, often used with React. This very thorough walkthrough covers how you’d build something similar.
Justin Deal

The JS superset includes a new comment-based type checking option, as well as support for async generators and iterators.

A frequently updated table of the proposals for future JS features along with their progress.

Efficiently identify & resolve JavaScript errors affecting your users. Get alerted in real-time alongside detailed diagnostics, including stacktraces, plus support for sourcemaps. For a limited time, get a free t-shirt when you sign up & try Bugsnag.
Bugsnag   Sponsor

The first version with the new Ignition+Turbofan engines enabled by default, resulting in lower memory usage and faster speedup times. Will be used by Chrome 59 and Node 8.x.
Michael Hablich

A talk by Chris Heilmann of the Edge team covering the perennial topic of ‘fatigue’ over all the choices the JS ecosystem offers.
Chris Heilmann

See how the exact same blog app is built using React or Angular on top of Node, Rails, and Django. Think a more full-stack answer to TodoMVC.

A module that conjugates verbs and inflects nouns and adjectives, tell you what words are plurals or not, and more.
Alex Corvi

The team behind V8 want to know what proposed language features you’d like them to work on next.


In Brief

Angular 4.1: A Minor Release with Full TypeScript 2.2/2.3 Support news
Stephen Fluin

Ruby on Rails 5.1 Released, Embraces JavaScript news
The Ruby webapp framework is now a lot more JavaScript friendly.
David Heinemeier Hansson

☁️🥊 Hey Front-End Devs …Master Full Stack with Jem Young course
Become a Full Stack Engineer and gain the confidence to master the command line and server.
Frontend Masters  Sponsor

Seven Tips for Handling 'undefined' tutorial
Dmitri Pavlutin

A Step-by-Step Guide to Building A Simple Chess AI tutorial
Lauri Hartikka

The Power of Custom Directives in Vue tutorial
Sarah Drasner

Build a Web Framework In Less Than 20 Lines Of Code tutorial
Everyday there are more new frameworks to learn, but it doesn't have to be that way!
PubNub  Sponsor

Does Glimmer Mean The Death of Ember? opinion
Robert Jackson

Why Is TypeScript Getting So Popular? opinion
Mary Branscombe

How to Publish Packages on npm, A Video Series video
Focuses on doing it the right way, complete with tests and docs.
Trevor Miller

Callbacks vs Promises vs 'async/await' in a 7 Second Video video
Wassim Chegham on Twitter

Everything Is A Plugin: Mastering Webpack From The Inside Out video
An energetic, in-depth 100 minute talk/workshop.
Sean Larkin

Quokka: A Live JS Scratchpad for JetBrains' IDEs tools
A month ago, this handy tool only worked with VS Code - now it supports JetBrains’ IDEs too :-)
Artem Govorov

Moon: A Minimal 5KB, Blazing Fast Vue-esque User Interface Library tools
Kabir Shah

Try Codeship Basic: simple hosted CI that works out of the box tools
Codeship  Sponsor

p-event: Promisify An Event by Waiting for It to Be Emitted code
Sindre Sorhus

Slate: A Customizable Framework for Building Rich Text Editors code

angular-ssr: An Angular 4+ Server-Side Rendering Solution code
Christopher Bond

SmartPhoto.js: A Responsive Image Viewer, Especially for Mobile code

StrMan 2.0 Released: 66 Handy String Manipulation Functions code
Daniel Leite de Oliveira