JavaScript Weekly
Issue 357 — October 20, 2017
A walkthrough of using RxJS, Angular, Web Bluetooth, and an EEG headset to monitor brainwaves and perform actions based on eye blinks.
Uri Shaked

The latest Vue, billed “Level E”, comes with better TypeScript integration, error handling, and improved support for functional components.
Evan You

Raymond Camden explains the steps he’s taken to wean himself off a dependence on jQuery for a number of common frontend development tasks.
Telerik Developer Network

Yes, “digital transformation” is a buzzword having its moment right now. But what is behind the buzz?
CircleCI   Sponsor

An interesting Microsoft project that offers a V8 JavaScript runtime oriented around multiple V8 instances running at the same time and the communications between them.

A one-page guide to features added in ES2015 and beyond.

A 20 minute talk looking at code coverage, type profiling, and a deep dive into how evaluating a code snippet in DevTools console works in V8.
Yang Guo

Not using something like Prettier to format your code yet? The author tries to sell you on why it’s a good idea.
Artem Sapegin

PayPal has open sourced a suite of libraries for building JavaScript experiences that work well on third party sites that embed them.
Daniel Brain


In Brief

Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, and W3C to Work on MDN Docs Together news

CKEditor 5 Rich Text Editor Released news
Frederico Knabben

Creating End-to-End Tests That Don’t Suck with Puppeteer tutorial
Puppeteer lets you control headless Chrome from JavaScript.
Trevor Miller

Introduction to InfluxDB and TICK Stack tutorial
Learn how to get up and running with the fastest growing open source TSDB.
InfluxData  Sponsor

An Imperative Guide to Forms in Vue.js tutorial

Using Three.js for 2D Data Visualization tutorial
Grant Custer

Writing Smarter Web Animation Code with GSAP tutorial
Carl Schoof

Building a 'Modem' with Web Audio tutorial
An interesting way to transmit data in audio form.
Martin Kirkholt Melhus

Build A Real-Time Chat App with Vue.js, Vuex and Cloud Firestore tutorial
Lachlan Miller

Have you met Predix, the Premier Industrial Internet Platform? 
See how Predix is connecting machines, intelligence, and people to drive operational and business outcomes that matter.
GE Digital  Sponsor

Migrating Towards Yarn and Webpack story
.. from Require.js, Grunt and npm.
Wingify Engineering

accessibilityjs: A Client-Side Accessibility Error Scanner tools
GitHub uses this to scan for inaccessible UI elements.

ES Check: Checks The Version of ES Used in Source Files tools
Dollar Shave Club

JavaScript Telemetry: Black Box Recorder for App Crashes tools
ROLLBAR  Sponsor

Redux Zero: A Simpler 'Redux Lite' code
A lightweight state container based on Redux with a single store and no reducers.
Matheus Lima

Anime.js: A JS Animation Library for the Web code
Julian Garnier

rmodal.js: A Simple 1.2 KB Modal Dialog with No Dependencies code
Iskren Slavov

Schnack.js: A Disqus-like Commenting Drop-in for Static Sites code
A commenting system build on Node.js and SQLite3.
Gregor Aisch

P.S. Love React? We have a React newsletter too, you can see today's issue here.