JavaScript Weekly
Issue 361 — November 17, 2017
An increasing reliance on JS can result in needless performance issues for our users. Addy Osmani looks at how a little discipline can help.
Addy Osmani

An attempt to demystify Redux, a popular state container for JavaScript apps, with a ‘backwards approach’.
Dave Ceddia

From the creators of Moment.js, Luxon provides DateTime, Duration, and Interval types, as well as parsing and formatting for common formats.
JS Foundation

From the creators of CodePush. Ship iOS and Android apps faster by connecting your app’s repo and automating the rest. App Center builds your app in the cloud, tests it on real iOS devices, releases to beta testers, app stores or CodePush, and monitors with crash reports and analytics. Sign up now.
Microsoft   Sponsor

The good doctor explains "why, in my opinion, currying is not a good fit for JavaScript.”
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

It’s possible to track your project’s dependencies directly in GitHub and if you do, GitHub can now notify you of vulnerabilities in them automatically.

Apple and Microsoft are shipping WebAssembly support in the latest versions of Safari and Edge so all 4 major browsers can now run code compiled to the wasm format.
Judy DeMocker

Been around a while but has grown a lot and now has extensions for major frameworks. Demos here.


In Brief

VueConf US 2018: March 26–28, 2018 in New Orleans, USA news
The VueConf.US 2018 call for proposals is now open, and closes December 1.
VueConf US

A Brief Introduction to Symbols, Generators and Streams tutorial
Rubens Pinheiro Gonçalves Cavalcante

Learn and Understand JavaScript’s Reduce Function tutorial
Or Array.prototype.reduce(), more specifically.
Brandon Morelli

Building a NodeJS App with MongoDB Atlas and AWS ECS (Part 1) tutorial
It's that time of year again. This is the first post in our annual "Road to AWS re:Invent" blog series.
mongodb  Sponsor

Easy ES6 Goodies for Busy JavaScript Developers tutorial
“a good basic introduction to three of the most useful ES6 goodies”
Michelle Gienow

Build a Server-Side Rendered Vue App with Nuxt.js tutorial
Chimezie Enyinnaya

Developing a Chrome Extension using Angular 4 tutorial
Jakub Kaczmarek

Start Using Babel 7 Beta Today: What's New and How tutorial
Jeff Dolle

Web Workers Can Be ES6 Modules Too tutorial
OK, Chrome doesn’t support it yet, but work is underway.
Jeff Schiller

CircleCI 2.0 Language Guide: JavaScript tutorial
New to CircleCI 2.0? Read our JavaScript Language Guide for a detailed explanation of our configuration.
CircleCI  Sponsor

Angular Productivity Tips for WebStorm IDE Users tutorial
Jurgen Van de Moere

Browser Automation Revisited: Meet Puppeteer tutorial node
Puppeteer is a Node library that provides an API to control headless Chrome.
Gergely Nemeth

Recover Gracefully with React 16 Error Boundaries tutorial
ROLLBAR  Sponsor

Converting 600k Lines to TypeScript in 72 Hours story
Specifically, from Google Closure-annotated JS.

How GitLab Uses Vue: One Year Later story
Jacob Schatz

High Performance JS in V8: How V8 Is Faster Than Ever video
A 20 minute tour of V8’s latest code-generation architecture.
Peter Marshall

Neutronium: Build .NET Desktop Apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript tools

react-scroll-to: Scroll to Position in React code
Dylan Paulus

remoteStorage.js 1.0.0: Local Data Storage with Remote Syncing code
A project that’s as old as this newsletter.

bent: Functional HTTP Client for Node with async/await Support code node
Mikeal Rogers