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A website to visualize graph traversal algorithms and maze generation algorithms written using Typescript and React. Contains implementations of A*, Dijkstra, BFS, and DFS with bidirectional variants. Uses the recursive division algorithm to generate mazes with more horizontally or vertically biased variations.

You can find an online demo here!

The Algorithms

Each algorithm demonstrates different performance/correctness trade-offs.

A* - Guaranteed to always find the shortest path, minimizes number of nodes explored, very high constant time (more suitable for large graphs), uses a Heap for the frontier

Dijkstra - Guaranteed to always find the shortest path, explores many nodes (especially for unweighted graphs), tends to be slower than A*, uses a Heap for the frontier

BFS - Only finds the shortest path for unweighted graphs, explores a reasonable amount of nodes, very low constant time (more suitable for smaller graphs), uses a Queue for the frontier

DFS - Rarely finds the shortest path, explores few nodes, not optimal for pathfinding, uses a stack for the frontier

Best First - Not guaranteed to find the shortest path, explores the least amount of nodes, uses a Heap for the frontier


Add the following property to package.json containing the url the web page will be deployed at.

"homepage": ""

Deploy the project to github pages using the following command.

npm run deploy


The project also contains standalone object-oriented style abstractions for pathfinding on a 2D grid.

The grid is based around 3 fundamental interfaces contained in ../pathfinding/core/Components

Point, which represents an x,y location on the grid. TileData, which stores the solidity of a tile and the cost to travel to a tile if it isn't solid. Tile, which stores Point and TileData, representing a Vertex on the Grid.

We can create a grid with a width of 10 and a height of 5 like so:

const grid = new Grid(10, 5);

Let's say we wanted to make the tile at (5,3) solid, so we can't travel there:

const point = {x: 5, y: 3};
const data = {pathCost: 1, isSolid: true};
grid.mutate(point, data);

If we wanted to get the tile at the point (4,6) we would do it like this:

grid.get({x: 4, y: 6});

The grid class contains minimal bound checks to speed up processing, but we can check the boundaries on the grid with these helpful functions:


This project also contains Pathfinders which can find the best path (capable by the algorithm) between an initial and goal point.

If we want to initialize a pathfinder we need to pass it a navigator.

A navigator is a class that encapsulates the grid by determining what tiles we can travel to from a given point. The project contains two build in navigators, but you can make your own as long as they inherit from the abstract Navigator Class in ../pathfinding/core/Navigator.

If we wanted to initialize the "PlusNavigator" which allows movement in 4 directions (up,left,right,down) we can do so like:

const navigator = new PlusNavigator(grid);

We can access the neighbors of the point (3,3) like so:

const neighbors: Tile[] = navigator.neighbors({x: 3, y:3});

Now we can initialize a pathfinder that uses the AStar algorithm like this:

const pathfinder = new AStarPathfinder(navigator);

If we wanted to find the shortest path on the grid from (0,0) to (4,3) we would do it like this:

const initial = {x: 0, y: 0};
const goal = {x: 4, y: 3};
const path: Tile[] = pathfinder.findPath(initial, goal);

The A* algorithm uses the Manhattan distance heuristic by default but you can find other heuristics in ../pathfinding/algorithms/Heuristics.

Lastly, we can randomly generate mazes with the TerrainMazeGenerator class:

const generator = new TerrainMazeGenerator(width, height);

We can invoke the random generation algorithm (recursive division) like:

const maze: Grid = generator.generateTerrain();


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