Mario Bros. OST

The familiar 8-bit sounding Ditty EXTENDED!

A fork from my first Mario Bros.

Improved synthesiser and added (with some modifications) complete OST from

6 jan 2023: clamped values to 8 bits

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// Forked from "Mario Bros." by Jurgen

input.choose = 0; //min=0, max=0, step=1 (When you change option below it will start playing after the end of the currently playing track)
input.track = 0; //min=0, max=14, step=1 (Overworld theme, Underworld theme, Underwater theme, Castle theme, Invincible, Into the pipe, You died!, Game over, Course clear, Castle Clear, Hurry!, Coin, 1-UP, Pause menu, Ending)
input.bits = 8; //min=1, max=64, step=1

const basicSynth = synth.def(class {
    process(note, env, tick, options) {
        const value = (hz) => {
            const inversionMultiplier = options.inverted? -1: 1;
            const phase = ditty.time * hz;
            const f = phase * Math.PI * 2;
            switch(options.waveForm) {
                case WAVEFORM.SQUARE:
                    return (Math.sin(f) > 0? 1: -1);
                case WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE:
                    return (Math.abs((phase % 1) * 4 - 2) - 1);
                case WAVEFORM.SAW:
                    return ((phase % 1) * (inversionMultiplier*2) - inversionMultiplier);
                case WAVEFORM.SEMICIRCLE:
                    return (options.inverted?(Math.cos(f) < 0? 1: -1):0) + Math.sqrt(1 - ((2 * Math.asin(Math.sin(f))) / Math.PI)**2) * (Math.cos(f) < 0? -1: 1);
                case WAVEFORM.SHARK_FIN:
                    return inversionMultiplier * Math.sin(f) > 0? Math.sqrt(1 - ((2 * Math.asin(Math.sin(f/2))) / Math.PI)**2) : -Math.sqrt(1 - ((2 * Math.asin(Math.sin((f+Math.PI)/2))) / Math.PI)**2);
                case WAVEFORM.SURF:
                    return inversionMultiplier * Math.sin(f) > 0? 2 * Math.sqrt(1 - ((2 * Math.asin(Math.sin(f/2))) / Math.PI)**2) - 1 : -2 * Math.sqrt(1 - ((2 * Math.asin(Math.sin((f+Math.PI)/2))) / Math.PI)**2) + 1;
                case WAVEFORM.SINE:
                    return Math.sin(f);
        let divisor = 0;
        return Array.from({length: options.overtones}).map((v, i) => value(midi_to_hz(note) * (i + 1))).reduce((p, c, i) => { const div = 1 / (1 + i*options.overtoneDecay); divisor += div; return p + (c * div); }, 0) / divisor * env.value;
}, { name: 'basicSynth++', waveForm: WAVEFORM.SQUARE, inverted: false, overtones: 1, overtoneDecay: 1, env: adsr2 });

const noise = synth.def(class {
    constructor(options) {
        this.hold = 0;
        this.holdReset = (options.hold / ditty.dt) | 0;
    process(note, env, tick, options) {
        if(this.hold <= 0) {
            this.value = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
            this.hold = this.holdReset;
        return this.value * env.value;
}, { name: 'noise', hold: 0, env: adsr2 });

//const clampNbit = filter.def((input, options) => { const values = (2**options.bits) / 2; return => Math.round(clamp(v, -1, 1) * values) / values); }, {bits: () => input.bits})

//const toBits = clampNbit.createShared( { bits: () => input.bits } );
const toBits = filter.def((input, options) => { const values = (2**options.bits) / 2; return => Math.round(clamp(v, -1, 1) * values) / values); }, {bits: 8})

const tracks = [{
    config: { bpm: 180, name: 'Overworld theme' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[d3, .5], [d3, .5], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [d3, 1],
                    [g4, 1], [false, 1], [g2, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[g3, 1], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [false, 1], [c3, 1],
                    [false, .5], [f3, .5], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [false, .5], [gb3, .5], [f3, 1],
                    [e3, 2/3], [c4, 2/3], [e4, 2/3], [f4, .5], [false, .5], [d4, .5], [e4, .5],
                    [false, .5],[c4, .5], [false, .5], [a3, .5], [b3, .5], [g3, .5], [false, 1]]], //6
                [2, [[c3, 1], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [false, 1], [c4, 1],
                    [f3, 1], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [c4, 1], [f3, 1],
                    [c3, 1], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [false, 1], [g3, .5], [c4, .5],
                    [false, .5], [f5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [f5, 1], [g3, 1],
                    [c3, 1], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [false, 1], [c4, 1], //11
                    [f3, 1], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [c4, 1], [f3, 1],
                    [c3, 1], [ab3, 1], [false, .5], [bb3, .5], [false, 1],
                    [c4, 1], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [g3, 1], [c3, 1]]],
                [3, [[ab2, 1], [false, .5], [eb3, .5], [false, 1], [ab3, 1], //15
                    [g3, 1], [false, .5], [c3, .5], [false, 1], [g2, 1]]],
                [1, [[d3, .5], [d3, .5], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [d3, 1], //21
                    [g4, 1], [false, 1], [g2, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[g3, 1], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [false, 1], [c3, 1], //22
                    [false, .5], [f3, .5], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [false, .5], [gb3, .5], [f3, 1],
                    [e3, 2/3], [c4, 2/3], [e4, 2/3], [f4, .5], [false, .5], [d4, .5], [e4, .5],
                    [false, .5], [c4, .5], [false, .5], [a3, .5], [b3, .5], [g3, .5], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[c3, 1], [false, .5], [fs3, .5], [g3, 1], [c4, 1], //27
                    [f3, 1], [f3, 1], [c4, .5], [c4, .5], [f3, 1],
                    [d3, 1], [false, .5], [f3, .5], [g3, 1], [b3, 1],
                    [g3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, .5], [c4, .5], [g3, 1],
                    [c3, 1], [false, .5], [fs3, .5], [g3, 1], [c4, 1], //31
                    [f3, 1], [f3, 1], [c4, .5], [c4, .5], [f3, 1],
                    [g3, 1], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [g3, 2/3], [a3, 2/3], [b3, 2/3],
                    [c4, 1], [g3, 1], [c3, 1], [false, 1]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[fs4, .5], [fs4, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5], [fs4, 1],
                    [b4, 1], [false, 1], [g4, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[e4, 1], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [false, 1], [g3, 1],
                    [false, .5], [c4, .5], [false, .5], [d4, .5], [false, .5], [db4, .5], [c4, 1],
                    [c4, 2/3], [g4, 2/3], [b4, 2/3], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [b4, .5],
                    [false, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [f4, .5], [d4, .5], [false, 1]]], //6
                [2, [[false, 1], [e5, .5], [eb5, .5], [d5, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [e4, .5], [f4, .5], [g4, .5], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [e4, .5], [f4, .5],
                    [false, 1], [e5, .5], [eb5, .5], [d5, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [g5, .5], [false, .5], [g5, .5], [g5, 1], [false, 1], //11
                    [false, 1], [e5, .5], [eb5, .5], [d5, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [e4, .5], [f4, .5], [g4, .5], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [e4, .5], [f4, .5],
                    [false, 1], [ab4, 1], [false, .5], [f4, .5], [false, 1],
                    [e4, 1], [false, 3]]],
                [1, [[ab4, .5], [ab4, .5], [false, .5], [ab4, .5], [false, .5], [ab4, .5], [bb4, 1], //15
                    [g4, .5], [e4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [c4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [ab4, .5], [ab4, .5], [false, .5], [ab4, .5], [false, .5], [ab4, .5], [bb4, .5], [g4, .5],
                    [false, 4],
                    [ab4, .5], [ab4, .5], [false, .5], [ab4, .5], [false, .5], [ab4, .5], [bb4, 1], //19
                    [g4, .5], [e4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [c4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [fs4, .5], [fs4, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5], [fs4, 1],
                    [b4, 1], [false, 1], [g4, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[e4, 1], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [false, 1], [g3, 1], //22
                    [false, .5], [c4, .5], [false, .5], [d4, .5], [false, .5], [db4, .5], [c4, 1],
                    [c4, 2/3], [g4, 2/3], [b4, 2/3], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [b4, .5],
                    [false, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [f4, .5], [d4, .5], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[c5, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [false, 1], [e4, 1], //27
                    [f4, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [f4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [g4, 2/3], [f5, 2/3], [f5, 2/3], [f5, 2/3], [e5, 2/3], [d5, 2/3],
                    [c5, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [f4, .5], [e4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [c5, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [false, 1], [e4, 1], //31
                    [f4, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [f4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [g4, .5], [d5, .5], [false, .5], [d5, .5], [d5, 2/3], [c5, 2/3], [b4, 2/3],
                    [g4, .5], [e4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [c4, 1], [false, 1]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[e5, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [e5, 1],
                    [g5, 1], [false, 3]]],
                [2, [[c5, 1], [false, .5], [g4, .5], [false, 1], [e4, 1],
                    [false, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .5], [bb4, .5], [a4, 1],
                    [g4, 2/3], [e5, 2/3], [g5, 2/3], [a5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [g5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [d5, .5], [b4, .5], [false, 1]]], //6
                [2, [[false, 1], [g5, .5], [gb5, .5], [f5, .5], [ds5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [gs4, .5], [a4, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [c5, .5], [d5, .5],
                    [false, 1], [g5, .5], [gb5, .5], [f5, .5], [ds5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [c6, .5], [false, .5], [c6, .5], [c6, 1], [false, 1], //11
                    [false, 1], [g5, .5], [gb5, .5], [f5, .5], [ds5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [gs4, .5], [a4, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [c5, .5], [d5, .5],
                    [false, 1], [eb5, 1], [false, .5], [d5, .5], [false, 1],
                    [c5, 1], [false, 3]]],
                [1, [[c5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [d5 ,1], //15
                    [e5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [g4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [c5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [d5 , .5], [e5, .5],
                    [false, 4],
                    [c5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [d5 ,1], //19
                    [e5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [g4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [e5, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [e5, 1],
                    [g5, 1], [false, 3]]],
                [2, [[c5, 1], [false, .5], [g4, .5], [false, 1], [e4, 1],
                    [false, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .5], [bb4, .5], [a4, 1],
                    [g4, 2/3], [e5, 2/3], [g5, 2/3], [a5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [g5, .5],
                    [false, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [d5, .5], [b4, .5], [false, 1]]],
                [2, [[e5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [g4, .5], [false, 1], [gs4, 1], //27
                    [a4, .5], [f5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [a4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [b4, 2/3], [a5, 2/3], [a5, 2/3], [a5, 2/3], [g5, 2/3], [f5, 2/3],
                    [e5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [g4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [e5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [g4, .5], [false, 1], [gs4, 1], //31
                    [a4, .5], [f5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [a4, 1], [false, 1],
                    [b4, .5], [f5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [f5, 2/3], [e5, 2/3], [d5, 2/3],
                    [c5, .5], [false, 3.5]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [ //lows

            [1, [[c7, .125], [false, .875], [c7, .125], [false, .875], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, 1.375],
                [c7, .125], [false, 1.875], [false, .5], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, .375]]],
            [48, [[false, 1], [c7, .125], [false, .5], [c7, .125], [false, .25]]],
            [4, [[c7, .125], [false, .875], [c7, .125], [false, .875], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, 1.375],
                [c7, .125], [false, 1.875], [false, .5], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, .375]]],

            [48, [[false, 1], [c7, .125], [false, .5], [c7, .125], [false, .25]]],

        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [

            [1, [[d3, .5], [false, 1], [d3, .5], [false, 1], [d3, .5], [false, .5],
                [g4, .5], [false, 1.5], [g2, .5], [false, 1.5]]],

            [24, [[false, 2], [e6, .5], [false, 1.5]]],
            [4, [[d3, .5], [false, 1], [d3, .5], [false, 1], [d3, .5], [false, .5],
                [g4, .5], [false, 1.5], [g2, .5], [false, 1.5]]],

            [24, [[false, 2], [e6, .5], [false, 1.5]]],

        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
            [1, [[false, 4],
                [false, 4]]],

            [24, [[c2, .14], [false, 3.86]]],
            [4, [[false, 4],
                [false, 4]]],

            [24, [[c2, .14], [false, 3.86]]],

}, {
    config: { bpm: 100, name: 'Underworld theme' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [2, [[c3, .25], [c4, .25], [a2, .25], [a3, .25], [bb2, .25], [bb3, .25], [false, 1.5]]],

                [1, [[f2, .25], [f3, .25], [d2, .25], [d3, .25], [eb2, .25], [eb3, .25], [false, 1.5]]],

                [1, [[f2, .25], [f3, .25], [d2, .25], [d3, .25], [eb2, .25], [eb3, .25], [false, 1], [e3, 1/6], [d3, 1/6], [db3, 1/6]]],

                [1, [[c3, .5], [eb3, .5], [d3, .5], [ab2, .5], [g2, .5], [db3, .5]]],

                [1, [[c3, 1/6], [gb3, 1/6], [f3, 1/6], [e3, 1/6], [bb3, 1/6], [a3, 1/6], [ab3, 1/3], [eb3, 1/3], [cb3, 1/3], [bb2, 1/3], [a2, 1/3], [ab2, 1/3]]],

                [1, [[false, 3]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [2, [[c4, .25], [c5, .25], [a3, .25], [a4, .25], [bb3, .25], [bb4, .25], [false, 1.5]]],

                [1, [[f3, .25], [f4, .25], [d3, .25], [d4, .25], [eb3, .25], [eb4, .25], [false, 1.5]]],

                [1, [[f3, .25], [f4, .25], [d3, .25], [d4, .25], [eb3, .25], [eb4, .25], , [false, 1], [e4, 1/6], [d4, 1/6], [db4, 1/6]]],
                [1, [[c4, .5], [eb4, .5], [d4, .5], [ab3, .5], [g3, .5], [db4, .5]]],
                [1, [[c4, 1/6], [gb4, 1/6], [f4, 1/6], [e4, 1/6], [bb4, 1/6], [a4, 1/6], [ab4, 1/3], [eb4, 1/3], [cb4, 1/3], [bb3, 1/3], [a3, 1/3], [ab3, 1/3]]],

                [1, [[false, 3]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [7, [[false, 3]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [7, [[false, 3]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [7, [[false, 3]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [7, [[false, 3]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 222, name: 'Under water theme' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[d4, 1], [cs4, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b3, 1], [c4, 1], [cs4, 1]]],
                [1, [[d4, .5], [d4, .5], [d4, 1], [g3, 1]]],
                [1, [[g3, 3]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b2, 1], [fs3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[e3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b2, 1], [fs3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[e3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[d3, 1], [g3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[cs3, 1], [fs3, 1], [as3, 1]]],
                [1, [[d3, 1], [g3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[b2, 1], [g3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[d3, 1], [g3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[b2, 1], [g3, 1], [b3, 1]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[g2, 1], [g3, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [g3, 1], [e4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b2, 1], [g3, 1], [d4, 1]]],
                [1, [[as2, 1], [g3, 1], [cs4, 1]]],
                [1, [[cs3, 1], [g3, 1], [e4, 1]]],
                [1, [[d3, 1], [a3, 1], [f4, 1]]],
                [1, [[db2, 1], [a3, 1], [f4, 1]]],
                [1, [[c3, 1], [a3, 1], [f4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b2, 1], [g3, 1], [f4, 1]]],
                [1, [[c2, 1], [g3, 1], [e4, 1]]],
                [1, [[g2, 1], [g3, 1], [g3, 1]]],
                [1, [[f3, .5], [f3, .5], [f3, 1], [false, .5], [b2, .5]]],
                [1, [[c3, 3]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[d4, 1], [e4, 1], [fs4, 1]]],
                [1, [[g4, 1], [a4, 1], [bb4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b4, .5], [b4, .5], [b4, 1], [e4, 1]]],
                [1, [[f4, 2], [g4, 1]]],
                [1, [[g4, 3]]],
                [1, [[fs4, 3]]],
                [1, [[g4, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, .5], [g4, .5], [a4, .5], [b4, .5], [c4, .5], [d4, .5]]],
                [1, [[g4, 3]]],
                [1, [[fs4, 2], [a4, 1]]],
                [1, [[g4, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 2.5], [g4, .5]]],
                [1, [[f4, 3]]],
                [1, [[e4, 3]]],
                [1, [[f4, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, .5], [g4, .5], [a4, .5], [b4, .5], [c4, .5], [cs4, .5]]],
                [1, [[f4, 3]]],
                [1, [[b3, 2], [a4, 1]]],
                [1, [[g4, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 2.5], [g4, .5]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[d5, 3]]],
                [1, [[cs5, 3]]],
                [1, [[g5, 1], [a5, 1], [false, .5], [g5, .5]]],
                [1, [[d5, 3]]],
                [1, [[db5, 3]]],
                [1, [[c5, 3]]],
                [1, [[f5, 1], [g5, 1], [false, .5], [f5, .5]]],
                [1, [[c5, 3]]],
                [1, [[f4, 1], [g4, 1], [b4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b4, .5], [b4, .5], [b4, 1], [false, .5], [f4, .5]]],
                [1, [[e4, 3]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 2], [b4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b4, 2], [false, 1]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[ds5, 3]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[ds5, 2], [f5, 1]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[d5, 3]]],
                [1, [[cs5, 3]]],
                [1, [[d5, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[d5, 3]]],
                [1, [[g4, 2], [f5, 1]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[g5, 3]]],
                [1, [[g5, 3]]],
                [1, [[g5, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[f5, 3]]],
                [1, [[f5, 3]]],
                [1, [[f5, 3]]],
                [1, [[false, 3]]],
                [1, [[e5, 3]]],
                [1, [[a4, 1], [b4, 1], [f5, 1]]],
                [1, [[e5, .5], [e5, .5], [e5, 1], [false, .5], [b4, .5]]],
                [1, [[c5, 3]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [16, [
                    [false, 1], [c7, .125], [false, .875], [false, 1],
                    [false, 1], [c7, .125], [false, .375], [c7, .125], [false, 1.375],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [32, [[false, 2], [d3, .5], [false, .5]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [32, [[false, 3]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 180, name: 'Castle theme' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[e3, 4]]],
                [1, [[d3, 2], [gb3, 2]]],
                [1, [[f3, 4]]],
                [1, [[e3, 2], [ab3, 2]]],
                [1, [[a3, 2], [e3, 2]]],
                [1, [[ds3, 2], [e3, 2]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [2, [[g4, .25], [bb4, .25], [g4, .25], [a4, .25], [g4, .25], [ab4, .25], [g4, .25], [a4, .25], [g4, .25], [bb4, .25], [g4, .25], [cb5, .25], [g4, .25], [bb4, .25], [g4, .25], [a4, .25]]],
                [2, [[gb4, .25], [a4, .25], [gb4, .25], [ab4, .25], [gb4, .25], [a4, .25], [gb4, .25], [bb4, .25], [gb4, .25], [a4, .25], [gb4, .25], [bb4, .25], [gb4, .25], [a4, .25], [gb4, .25], [ab4, .25]]],
                [2, [[bb4, .25], [d5, .25], [bb4, .25], [ds5, .25], [bb4, .25], [d5, .25], [bb4, .25], [cs5, .25], [bb4, .25], [d5, .25], [bb4, .25], [cs5, .25], [bb4, .25], [c5, .25], [bb4, .25], [cs5, .25]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [2, [[false, .25], [d5, .25], [false, .25], [cs5, .25], [false, .25], [c5, .25], [false, .25], [cs5, .25], [false, .25], [d5, .25], [false, .25], [eb5, .25], [false, .25], [d5, .25], [false, .25], [cs5, .25]]],
                [2, [[false, .25], [cs5, .25], [false, .25], [c5, .25], [false, .25], [cs5, .25], [false, .25], [d5, .25], [false, .25], [cs5, .25], [false, .25], [d5, .25], [false, .25], [cs5, .25], [false, .25], [c5, .25]]],
                [2, [[false, .25], [f5, .25], [false, .25], [fs5, .25], [false, .25], [f5, .25], [false, .25], [e5, .25], [false, .25], [f5, .25], [false, .25], [e5, .25], [false, .25], [eb5, .25], [false, .25], [e5, .25]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [6, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [6, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [6, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 150, name: 'Invincible' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [3, [[d3, .5], [false, .5], [a3, .5], [false, .25], [d4, .25], [false, 1], [a3, .5], [d4, .5],
                     [c3, .5], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [false, .25], [c4, .25], [false, 1], [g3, .5], [c4, .5]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [3, [[f4, .5], [f4, .5], [f4, .5], [d4, .25], [f4, .25], [false, .25], [f4, .25], [false, .25], [d4, .25], [f4, .25], [d4, .25], [f4, .5],
                     [e4, .5], [e4, .5], [e4, .5], [c4, .25], [e4, .25], [false, .25], [e4, .25], [false, .25], [c4, .25], [e4, .25], [e4, .25], [e4, .5]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [3, [[c5, .5], [c5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .25], [c5, .25], [false, 1], [c5, .25], [false, .25], [c5, .5],
                     [b4, .5], [b4, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .25], [b4, .25], [false, 1], [b4, .25], [false, .25], [b4, .5]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [24, [[false, .5], [c7, .0625], [false, .25], [c7, .0625], [false, .125]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [12, [[false, 1], [e6, .25], [false, .75]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [12, [[c2, .07], [false, 1.93]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 180, name: 'Into the pipe' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[d3, .5], [d3, .5], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [false, .5], [d3, .5], [d3, 1]]],
                [1, [[g3, 1], [false, 1], [g2, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [1, [[false, 1/12], [a3, 1/6], [e3, 1/6], [a2, 1/6], [false, .5], [a3, 1/6], [e3, 1/6], [a2, 1/6], [false, .5], [a3, 1/6], [e3, 1/6], [a2, 1/6], [false, 1.5 - 1/12]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[fs4, .5], [fs4, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5], [fs4, 1]]],
                [1, [[b4, 1], [false, 1], [g4, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [1, [[false, 1/18], [a4, 1/6], [e4, 1/6], [a3, 1/6], [false, .5], [a4, 1/6], [e4, 1/6], [a3, 1/6], [false, .5], [a4, 1/6], [e4, 1/6], [a3, 1/6], [false, 1.5 - 1/18]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[e5, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [e5, 1]]],
                [1, [[g5, 1], [false, 3]]],
                [1, [[a5, 1/6], [e5, 1/6], [a4, 1/6], [false, .5], [a5, 1/6], [e5, 1/6], [a4, 1/6], [false, .5], [a5, 1/6], [e5, 1/6], [a4, 1/6], [false, 1.5]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [3, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [3, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [3, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 180, name: 'You died!' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[g3, 1], [false, .5], [g3, .5], [g3, 2/3], [a3, 2/3], [b3, 2/3]]],
                [1, [[c4, 1], [g3, 1], [c3, 1], [false, 1]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[g4, .5], [d5, .5], [false, .5], [d5, .5], [d5, 2/3], [c5, 2/3], [b4, 2/3]]],
                [1, [[g4, .5], [e4, .5], [false, .5], [e4, .5], [c4, 1], [false, 1]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[b4, .5], [f5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5], [f5, 2/3], [e5, 2/3], [d5, 2/3]]],
                [1, [[c5, .5], [false, 3.5]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [2, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [2, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [2, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 180, name: 'Game over' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[g3, 1], [false, .5], [e3, .5], [false, 1], [c3, 1]]],
                [1, [[f3, 2], [db3, 2]]],
                [1, [[c3, 2], [false, 2]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[e4, 1], [false, .5], [c4, .5], [false, 1], [g3, 1]]],
                [1, [[f4, 2], [f4, 2]]],
                [1, [[e4, 1/3], [d4, 1/3], [e4, 4/3], [false, 2]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[c5, 1], [false, .5], [g4, .5], [false, 1], [e4, 1]]],
                [1, [[a4, 2/3], [b4, 2/3], [a4, 2/3], [ab4, 2/3], [bb4, 2/3], [ab4, 2/3]]],
                [1, [[g4, 2], [false, 2]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [3, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [3, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [3, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 140, name: 'Course clear' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
                [1, [[false, 1], [c3, 1/3], [e3, 1/3], [g3, 1/3], [e4, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[false, 1], [c3, 1/3], [eb3, 1/3], [ab3, 1/3], [eb4, 1], [c4, 1]]],
                [1, [[false, 1], [d3, 1/3], [f3, 1/3], [bb3, 1/3], [f4, 1], [e4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[c4, 2], [false, 2]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
                [1, [[false, 1/3], [e3, 1/3], [g3, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [c5, 1], [g4, 1]]],
                [1, [[false, 1/3], [eb3, 1/3], [ab3, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [eb4, 1/3], [ab4, 1/3], [c5, 1], [ab4, 1]]],
                [1, [[false, 1/3], [f3, 1/3], [ab3, 1/3], [d4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [bb4, 1/3], [d5, 1], [d5, 1/3], [d5, 1/3], [d5, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[e5, 2], [false, 2]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[g3, 3/22], [a3, 3/22], [b3, 3/22], [c4, 3/22], [d4, 3/22], [e4, 3/22], [f4, 3/22], [g4, 3/22], [a4, 3/22], [b4, 3/22], [c5, 3/22], [d5, 3/22], [e5, 3/22], [f5, 3/22], [g5, 3/22], [a5, 3/22], [b5, 3/22], [c6, 3/22], [d6, 3/22], [e6, 3/22], [f6, 3/22], [g6, 3/22], [false, 1]]],
                [1, [[g3, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [c5, 1/3], [e5, 1/3], [g5, 1], [e5, 1]]],
                [1, [[ab3, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [eb4, 1/3], [ab4, 1/3], [c5, 1/3], [eb5, 1/3], [ab5, 1], [eb5, 1]]],
                [1, [[bb3, 1/3], [d4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [bb4, 1/3], [d5, 1/3], [f5, 1/3], [bb5, 1], [bb5, 1/3], [bb5, 1/3], [bb5, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[c6, 2], [false, 2]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [5, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [5, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [5, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 120, name: 'Castle clear' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[c3, 7/3], [c3, 1/6], [c3, 1/6], [c3,1/3], [c3,1/3], [c3,1/3], [c3,1/3]]],
                [1, [[db3, 7/3], [db3, 1/6], [db3, 1/6], [db3,1/3], [db3,1/3], [db3,1/3], [db3,1/3]]],
                [1, [[bb3, 1/3], [g3, 1/3], [eb3, 1/3], [bb3, 1/3], [g3, 1/3], [eb3, 1/3], [bb3, 1/3], [bb3, 1/6], [bb3, 1/6], [bb3, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [c4, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[d4, 2], [false, 2]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[e4, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [g3, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [c4, 1/3], [g3, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [e4, 1/6], [e4, 1/6], [e4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[f4, 1/3], [db4, 1/3], [ab3, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [db4, 1/3], [ab3, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [f4, 1/6], [f4, 1/6], [f4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[g4, 1/3], [eb4, 1/3], [bb3, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [eb4, 1/3], [bb3, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [g4, 1/6], [g4, 1/6], [g4, 1/3], [a4, 1/3], [a4, 1/3], [a4, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[b4, 2], [false, 2]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[c5, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [c5, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [e4, 1/3], [c5, 1/3], [c5, 1/6], [c5, 1/6], [c5, 1/3], [c5, 1/3], [c5, 1/3], [c5, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[db5, 1/3], [ab4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [db5, 1/3], [ab4, 1/3], [f4, 1/3], [db5, 1/3], [db5, 1/6], [db5, 1/6], [db5, 1/3], [db5, 1/3], [db5, 1/3], [db5, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[eb5, 1/3], [bb4, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [eb5, 1/3], [bb4, 1/3], [g4, 1/3], [eb5, 1/3], [eb5, 1/6], [eb5, 1/6], [eb5, 1/3], [f5, 1/3], [f5, 1/3], [f5, 1/3]]],
                [1, [[g5, 2], [false, 2]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 260, name: 'Hurry!' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[e3, .5]]],
                [1, [[gs4, .5], [false, .5], [gs4, .5], [gs4, .5], [false, .5], [f3, .5]]],
                [1, [[a4, .5], [false, .5], [a4, .5], [a4, .5], [false, .5], [fs3, .5]]],
                [1, [[as4, .5], [false, .5], [as4, .5], [as4, .5], [false, .5], [g3, .5]]],
                [1, [[false, .5], [g3, 2.5]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[b3, .5]]],
                [1, [[b4, .5], [false, .5], [b4, .5], [b4, .5], [false, .5], [c4, .5]]],
                [1, [[c5, .5], [false, .5], [c5, .5], [c5, .5], [false, .5], [cs4, .5]]],
                [1, [[cs5, .5], [false, .5], [cs5, .5], [cs5, .5], [false, .5], [b4, .5]]],
                [1, [[false, .5], [b4, 2.5]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[e4, .5]]],
                [1, [[d5, .5], [false, .5], [d5, .5], [d5, .5], [false, .5], [f4, .5]]],
                [1, [[eb5, .5], [false, .5], [eb5, .5], [eb5, .5], [false, .5], [fs4, .5]]],
                [1, [[e5, .5], [false, .5], [e5, .5], [e5, .5], [false, .5], [f5, .5]]],
                [1, [[false, .5], [f5, 2.5]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 12.5]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 12.5]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 12.5]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 200, name: 'Coin' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[b5, 1/8], [e6, 4 - (1/8)]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 225, name: '1-UP' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[e5, .5], [g5, .5], [e6, .5], [c6, .5], [d6, .5], [g6, .5], [false, 1]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 600, name: 'Pause menu' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [4, [[e6, .5], [c6, .5], [e6, .5], [c6, 2.5]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [4, [[false, 4]]],
}, {
    config: { bpm: 150, name: 'Ending' },
    leftHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: 1, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.TRIANGLE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[b2, 1]]],
                [1, [
                    [c3, 2], [d3, 1], [ds3, 1],
                    [e3, 1], [c3, 1], [a3, 1], [g3, 1],
                    [f3, 1], [e3, 1], [d3, 1], [f3, 1],
                [1, [[g3, 1], [g2, 1], [c3, 1], [b2, 1]]],
                [1, [
                    [c3, 2], [d3, 1], [ds3, 1],
                    [e3, 1], [c3, 1], [a3, 1], [g3, 1],
                    [f3, 1], [e3, 1], [d3, 1], [f3, 1],
                [1, [[g3, 4]]],
                [1, [[g2, 4]]],
                [1, [[c3, 4]]],
    rightHand: {
        one:  { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //lows
                [1, [[g4, 1/3], [fs4, 1/3], [g4, 1/3]]],
                [1, [
                    [g3, 2], [a3, 1], [as3, 1],
                    [b3, 2], [e4, 1], [g4, 2/3], [g4, 1/3],
                    [f4, 1], [g4, 1], [a4, 1], [d4, 1],
                [1, [[f4, 2], [e4, 1], [g3, 1/3], [fs4, 1/3], [g3, 1/3]]],
                [1, [
                    [g3, 2], [a3, 1], [as3, 1],
                    [b3, 2], [e4, 1], [g4, 2/3], [g4, 1/3],
                    [f4, 1], [g4, 1], [a4, 1], [d4, 1],
                [1, [[f4, 4]]],
                [1, [[d4, 4]]],
                [1, [[c4, 4]]],
        two: { 
            config: { synth: basicSynth, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0, waveForm: () => WAVEFORM.SQUARE } }, 
            score: [ //highs
                [1, [[false, 1]]],
                [1, [
                    [e4, 2], [f4, 1], [fs4, 1],
                    [g4, 2], [c5, 1], [e5, 2/3], [e5, 1/3],
                    [d5, 1], [e5, 1], [f5, 1], [b4, 1],
                [1, [[d5, 2], [c5, 1], [false, 1]]],
                [1, [
                    [e4, 2], [f4, 1], [fs4, 1],
                    [g4, 2], [c5, 1], [e5, 2/3], [e5, 1/3],
                    [d5, 1], [e5, 1], [f5, 1], [b4, 1],
                [1, [[d5, 4]]],
                [1, [[f4, 4]]],
                [1, [[e4, 4]]], // there should actually be a d4 and an g4 in Arpeggio with finger 1 and 2, but that'd mean adding finger 3 and 4 to all other track as well...
    drum: {
        hihat: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .7, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 41]]],
        snare: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .5, playConfig: {attack: 0 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 41]]],
        kick: { 
            config: { synth: noise, amp: .8, playConfig: { attack: 0, hold: .0005 } }, 
            score: [
                [1, [[false, 41]]],

let skip = 0;

Object.keys(tracks[input.track]).forEach(hand => 
    Object.keys(tracks[input.track][hand]).forEach(finger => {
        if(hand == 'config') return;
        loop( () => {
            ditty.bpm = tracks[input.track].config.bpm;
            debug.warn('Playing', tracks[input.track] + ' at ' + ditty.bpm + ' bpm');
            tracks[input.track][hand][finger].score.forEach(noteSet => {
                for(let i = 0; i < noteSet[0]; i++) {
                    noteSet[1].forEach(note => play(tracks[input.track][hand][finger].config.synth, tracks[input.track][hand][finger].config.playConfig, ...note));
            input.track = (input.track + 1) % tracks.length;
        }, { amp: tracks[input.track][hand][finger].config.amp, name: hand+'_'+finger }).connect(toBits.create({bits: () => input.bits}));

const play = (synth, config, note, length) => {
    if(skip > .0001) {
        skip -= length;

    if(note !== false), { ...config, release: length - config.attack });