My 2022 In Review

Dec 30, 2022

2022 was a year of some personal changes. We moved to a new house, and my two kids started public school. Both of those things zapped a lot of my energy for several months and led to apathy toward web stuff. But it was a net gain for my mental health as we have improved our access to accommodations, and feel less on top of each other as a family. I'm finally feeling a little more energized and motivated to get back to projects, and have several things to look forward to in 2023!

Conference talks

The accomplishment I'm most proud of this past year is speaking at my first in-person, international conference - beyond tellerrand in May. If you missed it, here are slides, the video recording, and other resources for the talk "Scaling CSS Layout Beyond Pixels."

I have two international conference talks lined up so far for 2023 (details TBA), and a few virtual appearances as well. I'm looking to fill more of my calendar, so get in touch if you're looking for speakers about front-end, CSS, 11ty, or accessibility!

First up in January will be conference - virtual and free this year!


Writing took a little bit of a lower priority this year, but it continues to be something I enjoy doing and already have several articles in the works to kickoff 2023.

I also share some of the ideas via my newsletter before turning them into an article, so be sure to subscribe!


I announced that I was creating Modern CSS Challenges this year, and unfortunately I didn't make as much progress on it as I hoped. It is my priority to finish in early 2023, so sign up to be notified when it's available.

I created ten new repos this year, some of which were related to Twitch streams or to help repro a bug, or otherwise in an incomplete state.

One project I was excited about was to create a package called css-browser-support. Use it to query for CSS browser support data, combined from caniuse and MDN, including version support started and global support percentages. There's also a companion 11ty plugin which allows you to display either a popover showing support for a single property, or a table of multiple properties.

I use CodePen often for article demos or just trying things out. Here is a collection of four pens showing a few fun CSS tricks.

The final project of the year - officially the second annual - was 12 Days of Web. This year, 9 incredible guest authors contributed, and I'm so thankful they shared their time and expertise. Visit the series to learn from the authors including: Eric Meyer, Miriam Suzanne, Kevin Powell, Adam Argyle, Rachel Andrew, Estelle Weyl, Chris Ferdinandi, Ryan Trimble, and Evan Sheehan.

Looking to 2023

As mentioned, I have a few articles in-progress, some conferences on the calendar, and will be committed to finishing Modern CSS Challenges.

I'm also eager for the CSS features that landed this year to have wider support and to begin using more of them in my projects! So look for more resources exploring those.

See you around the web, particularly on Twitch, and on Mastodon, and maybe at some conferences. Happy New Year!