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Neutralinojs v4.11.0 released!

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@github-actions github-actions released this 17 Mar 12:24
· 134 commits to main since this release

What's new

API: File watchers

In some scenarios, Neutralinojs app developers need to implement file watchers in their apps. Earlier, Neutralinojs API didn't offer a native file watcher API and developers had to use less-performant workarounds, such as making recursive filesystem.readDirectory calls. The new file watchers API lets you create native, cross-platform, event-based file watchers for filesystem paths with the following functions:

  • filesystem.createWatcher(path): Creates a new file watcher for a given path and returns the watcher identifier.
  • filesystem.removeWatcher(watcherId): Removes a files watcher based on a file watcher identifier.

Whenever a filesystem change occurs, file watcher instances dispatch the watchFile event with the following data:

  • id: Watcher identifier
  • action: Filesystem change: add, delete, modified, and moved
  • dir: Directory path
  • filename: Modified file


  • Fix the initial window flashing and hidden window state issues on Windows.
  • Fix data corruption in binary file appending.
  • Apply dark/light themes based on system preferences on Windows.

Update the config file option cli.binaryVersion with 4.11.0 and enter neu update to fetch this version.

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