A Perplexing Javascript Parsing Puzzle
What does this print?
= 1
--> 0
Think it through, then try it in a browser console! Answer and explanation in the dropdown.
Show answer
It prints 1
wait wtf
At the beginning of a line (and only at the beginning of a line), -->
starts a comment. The JavaScript is parsed as
x = 1;
x; // 0
The browser then displays the value of the last expression, which of course is 1.
but why
It’s a legacy hack.
Netscape Navigator 2 introduced both JavaScript and the <script>
tag. Older browsers in common use (like Navigator 1) had no idea that <script>
content was anything special and wrote it as regular text on the page. To ensure graceful degradation, webdevs would wrap their scripts in html comment blocks:
console.log("hello world!")
Old browsers would parse the content as an HTML comment and ignore it, new browsers would parse the content as JavaScript and execute it. I’m not quite sure why <!--
and -->
weren’t syntax errors; presumably there was special code in the js engines to handle them, but I can’t figure it out where.
All modern browsers at least recognize <script>
.1 But since some old websites still have the hack and the standardization committee will never, ever break the web, they added <!--
and -->
as legal comment tokens to the 2015 standard.
both act like//
, i.e. starting line comments.-->
is only valid at the start of a line (to avoid ambiguity with a postfix decrement followed by a greater than operator), while<!--
can occur anywhere in the line. — MDN Web Docs
Web browsers are required to support this syntax, while other engines are not. Node and Electron both support it, though, as they share Chromium’s v8 engine.
- Text-only browsers like Lynx recognize the tag, they just choose to ignore the contents. [return]
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