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Last active February 5, 2024 04:12
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None of the string methods modify this – they always return fresh strings.

  • charAt(pos: number): string ES1

    Returns the character at index pos, as a string (JavaScript does not have a datatype for characters). str[i] is equivalent to str.charAt(i) and more concise (caveat: may not work on old engines).

    > 'abc'.charAt(1)
  • charCodeAt(pos: number): number ES1

    Returns the 16-bit number (0–65535) of the UTF-16 code unit (character) at index pos.

    > 'abc'.charCodeAt(1)
  • codePointAt(pos: number): number | undefined ES6

    Returns the number of the Unicode code point of the 1–2 characters at index pos. If there is no such index, it returns undefined.

  • concat(...strings: string[]): string ES3

    Returns the concatenation of this and strings. 'a'+'b' is equivalent to 'a'.concat('b') and more concise.

    > 'ab'.concat('cd', 'ef', 'gh')
  • endsWith(searchString: string, endPos=this.length): boolean ES6

    Returns true if this ends with searchString at index endPos and false, otherwise.

    > 'foo.txt'.endsWith('.txt')
    > 'abc'.endsWith('ab', 2)
  • includes(searchString: string, startPos=0): boolean ES6

    Returns true if this contains the searchString and false, otherwise. The search starts at startPos.

    > 'abc'.includes('b')
    > 'abc'.includes('b', 2)
  • indexOf(searchString: string, minIndex=0): number ES1

    Returns the lowest index at which searchString appears within this, or -1, otherwise. Any returned index will be minIndex or higher.

    > 'abab'.indexOf('a')
    > 'abab'.indexOf('a', 1)
    > 'abab'.indexOf('c')
  • lastIndexOf(searchString: string, maxIndex=Infinity): number ES1

    Returns the highest index at which searchString appears within this, or -1, otherwise. Any returned index will be maxIndex or lower.

    > 'abab'.lastIndexOf('ab', 2)
    > 'abab'.lastIndexOf('ab', 1)
    > 'abab'.lastIndexOf('ab')
  • match(regExp: string | RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null ES3

    If regExp is a regular expression with flag /g not set then .match() returns the first match for regExp within this. Or null if there is no match. If regExp is a string, it is converted to a regular expression before performing the previous steps.

    The result has the following type:

    interface RegExpMatchArray extends Array<string> {
      index: number;
      input: string;
      groups: undefined | {
        [key: string]: string

    Numbered capture groups become Array indices. Named capture groups (ES2018) become properties of .groups. In this mode, .match() works like RegExp.prototype.exec().


    > 'ababb'.match(/a(b+)/)
    [ 'ab', 'b', index: 0, input: 'ababb', groups: undefined ]
    > 'ababb'.match(/a(?<foo>b+)/)
    [ 'ab', 'b', index: 0, input: 'ababb', groups: { foo: 'b' } ]
    > 'abab'.match(/x/)
  • match(regExp: RegExp): string[] | null ES3

    If flag /g of regExp is set, .match() returns either an Array with all matches or null if there was no match.

    > 'ababb'.match(/a(b+)/g)
    [ 'ab', 'abb' ]
    > 'ababb'.match(/a(?<foo>b+)/g)
    [ 'ab', 'abb' ]
    > 'abab'.match(/x/g)
  • normalize(form: 'NFC'|'NFD'|'NFKC'|'NFKD' = 'NFC'): string ES6

    Normalizes this according to the Unicode Normalization Forms.

  • padEnd(len: number, fillString=' '): string ES2017

    Appends fillString to this until it has the desired length len.

    > '#'.padEnd(2)
    '# '
    > 'abc'.padEnd(2)
    > '#'.padEnd(5, 'abc')
  • padStart(len: number, fillString=' '): string ES2017

    Prepends fillString to this until it has the desired length len.

    > '#'.padStart(2)
    ' #'
    > 'abc'.padStart(2)
    > '#'.padStart(5, 'abc')
  • repeat(count=0): string ES6

    Returns a string that is this, repeated count times.

    > '*'.repeat()
    > '*'.repeat(3)
  • replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string ES3

    Replace matches of searchValue with replaceValue. If searchValue is a string, only the first verbatim occurrence is replaced. If searchValue is a regular expression without flag /g, only the first match is replaced. If searchValue is a regular expression with /g then all matches are replaced.

    > 'x.x.'.replace('.', '#')
    > 'x.x.'.replace(/./, '#')
    > 'x.x.'.replace(/./g, '#')

    Special characters in replaceValue are:

    • $$: becomes $
    • $n: becomes the capture of numbered group n (alas, $0 does not work)
    • $&: becomes the complete match
    • $`: becomes everything before the match
    • $': becomes everything after the match


    > 'a 2018-04 b'.replace(/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})/, '|$2|')
    'a |04| b'
    > 'a 2018-04 b'.replace(/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})/, '|$&|')
    'a |2018-04| b'
    > 'a 2018-04 b'.replace(/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})/, '|$`|')
    'a |a | b'

    Named capture groups (ES2018) are supported, too:

    • $<name> becomes the capture of named group name


    > 'a 2018-04 b'.replace(/(?<year>[0-9]{4})-(?<month>[0-9]{2})/, '|$<month>|')
    'a |04| b'
  • replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replacer: (substr: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string ES3

    If the second parameter is a function occurrences are replaced with the strings it returns. Its parameters are:

    • all: the complete match
    • g1, g2, etc.: whatever was captured by numbered group 1, etc.
    • offset: where was the match found in the input string?
    • string: the whole input string
    > 'a 2018-04 b'.replace(/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})/, (all, year, month) => '|'+all+'|')
    'a |2018-04| b'

    Named capture groups (ES2018) are supported, too. If there are any, a last parameter contains an object whose properties contain the captures:

    > const replacer = (...args) => { const groups=args.pop(); return '|'+groups.month+'|' };
    > 'a 2018-04 b'.replace(/(?<year>[0-9]{4})-(?<month>[0-9]{2})/, replacer)
    'a |04| b'
  • search(regExp: string | RegExp): number ES3

    Returns the index at which regExp occurs within this. If regExp is a string, it is converted to a regular expression.

    > 'a2b'.search(/[0-9]/)
    > 'a2b'.search('[0-9]')
  • slice(start=0, end=this.length): string ES3

    Returns the substring of this that starts at (including) index start and ends at (excluding) index end. You can use negative indices where -1 means this.length-1 (etc.).

    > 'abc'.slice(1, 3)
    > 'abc'.slice(1)
    > 'abc'.slice(-2)
  • split(separator: string | RegExp, limit?: number): string[] ES3

    Splits this into an Array of substrings – the strings that occur between the separators. The separator can either be a string or a regular expression. Captures made by groups in the regular expression are included in the result.

    > 'abc'.split('')
    [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
    > 'a | b | c'.split('|')
    [ 'a ', ' b ', ' c' ]
    > 'a | b | c'.split(/ *\| */)
    [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]
    > 'a | b | c'.split(/( *)\|( *)/)
    [ 'a', ' ', ' ', 'b', ' ', ' ', 'c' ]
  • startsWith(searchString: string, startPos=0): boolean ES6

    Returns true if this starts with searchString at index startPos and false, otherwise.

    > '.gitignore'.startsWith('.')
    > 'abc'.startsWith('bc', 1)
  • substring(start: number, end=this.length): string ES1

    Use .slice() instead of this method. .substring() wasn’t implemented consistently in older engines and doesn’t support negative indices.

  • toUpperCase(): string ES1

    Returns a copy of this in which all lowercase alphabetic characters are converted to uppercase. How well that works for various alphabets depends on the JavaScript engine.

    > '-a2b-'.toUpperCase()
    > 'αβγ'.toUpperCase()
  • toLowerCase(): string ES1

    Returns a copy of this in which all uppercase alphabetic characters are converted to lowercase. How well that works for various alphabets depends on the JavaScript engine.

    > '-A2B-'.toLowerCase()
    > 'ΑΒΓ'.toLowerCase()
  • trim(): string ES5

    Returns a copy of this in which all leading and trailing whitespace is removed.

    > '\r\n# \t'.trim()

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ashu17706 commented Apr 17, 2018

So to replace all '.'

> 'x.x.'.replace('.', '#')
> 'x.x.'.replace(/./, '#')
> 'x.x.'.replace(/./g, '#')

we need to skip the special character like this.

> 'x.x.'.replace(/\./g, '#')

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r0mflip commented Apr 17, 2018

Can the startsWith example

> 'abc'.startsWith('bc', 1)


> 'abcdef'.startsWith('bc', 1)

so to be more intuitive, first example took a bit of time to understand.

And can you please add an example for split with the limit argument, and add links to MDN and the spec.

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liuamy840 commented Jun 1, 2018

Hello. I have tried 'ababb'.match(/a(?<foo>b+)/) in node environment. It returns SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /a(?<foo>b+)/: Invalid group. How to make it work?

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g-koziol commented Jun 2, 2018

@liuamy840 Node.js have support for named groups in specyfic versions by default or requires the --harmony flag.
You can check this on:
RegExp named groups support in Node

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dwhieb commented Jul 24, 2018

This is really nice! You should consider these explanations and examples to MDN's documentation on String methods:

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