#253 — August 30, 2018

Read on the Web

Node Weekly

How to Use Docker for Node.js Development“There are a couple aspects of Node.js that make using Docker for development somewhat difficult. The primary difficulties come from dependency differences based on environment and a long running server process during development.”

Cody Craven

Node.js and the 'HashWick' Vulnerability — A writeup about a new, recently disclosed vulnerability that affects all versions of V8. Read on to see how the vulnerability affects Node.js.

Rod Vagg

Master Complex Languages And Software Trends — Write complex languages, develop apps for Android and iOS, use layered architectures, experience architecture-centric design, master testing and security and more. Online & evening M.S. in Software Engineering, with 3 specializations available.

Regis University sponsor

Johnny-Five 1.0: A JS Robotics and IoT Platform — At six years old, Johnny Five has reached its 1.0 release in an announcement at JSConf. The examples page is packed with source code examples of what it can be used to achieve.

Johnny Five Team

Puppeteer Recorder: A Chrome Extension That Creates Puppeteer Scripts — Hit record, do things in your browser, and this extension generates JavaScript code you can then run that uses Puppeteer to reproduce the actions headlessly. Clever idea, though it only supports a variety of event types so far.


Why is a 'Java Guy' So Excited About Node.js? — Preaching to the choir here, but it’s interesting to hear from someone who worked on the Java SE team at Sun Microsystems wax lyrical about JavaScript.

David Herron

💻 Jobs

NodeJS Developer at Chaser (Remote) — Join a small and talented team looking to move fast and break things.


Join Our Career Marketplace & Get Matched With a Job You Love — Through Hired, software engineers have transparency into salary offers, competing opportunities and job details.


📘 Tutorials

Serverless-Side Rendering with Vue.js, Nuxt.js and AWS Lambda — Think server-side rendering.. but, well, serverlessly hosted on AWS Lambda.

Adnan Rahić

Make Node.js Applications Faster with StackImpact — Optimize and troubleshoot application latency and efficiency in production and development environments.

StackImpact sponsor

How to Write a Node.js CLI Tool for Performing Image Classification with OpenCV

Jeff Galbraith

Using JavaScript Promises with Node — Aimed at beginners, this article demonstrates the use of promises by way of short Node-based examples.

Daniel Weibel

▶  25 Minutes Messing with Zeit's Serverless Docker Feature — It goes all over the place, but it’s just fun to watch Mattias play with Zeit Now’s newest feature for rapidly deploying code - using Node, in this case.

Fun Fun Function

▶  Node's Event Loop From the Inside Out — A golden oldie, but very low level.

Sam Roberts (IBM)

🔧 Code and Tools

'Windows 95' Running Under Electron — Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Very much an eye-opening demo that leans heavily on v86, a JavaScript x86 emulator.

Felix Rieseberg

Pkg: Package Your Node App into an Executable — If you dream of Go-style self-contained applications, dream no longer. Nexe is another option.


Ora: An Elegant Terminal Spinner — An elegant way to show things are in progress in your terminal-based apps.

Sindre Sorhus

hiproxy: A Node.js HTTP Web Proxy with NGINX-Like Configuration

routeGen: Define Your API and SPA Routes in One Place, Then Use Them Globally

Drew Bartlett

Cloud Hosting Node Developers Love. Sign Up w/ $100 Credit

DigitalOcean sponsor

mdx-deck: MDX-Based Presentation Decks — Create presentations using MDX, a format that both uses Markdown syntax but can render React components with JSX.

Brent Jackson

node-telnet-client: A Simple Telnet Client for Node — Supports async/await, callback, promises, and generator style of use.

Mario Kozjak