#404 — September 21, 2018

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

A surprisingly quiet week, though maybe it's due to it being issue 404 :-). Nonetheless, there have been a few major version releases, including Nuxt.js 2.0, Next.js 7, and Electron 3 — you'll find those down in the Code and Tools section.
— Peter Cooper, editor

Idle Until Urgent: A Performance Strategy — When analyzing his site’s ‘first input delay’, Phil noticed all the JavaScript functions being run as the page loaded added up to a significant amount of time. His solution? Only run code in idle periods or when it’s truly, urgently required. Here’s a look at how that works in practice.

Philip Walton

Building a PWA with Angular 6 — A step-by-step walkthrough of building a progressive Web application using the latest Angular and its CLI tools. If you’ve kept away from Angular for a while, this could be a handy reintroduction.

Ahmed Bouchefra

Real-Time Production Error Monitoring for JavaScript Apps — Rollbar automatically tracks all errors in your JavaScript apps and gives you the data & context to debug them fast. Works with Node, React, Vue, Angular, and more. Get unlimited errors during your free trial.

ROLLBAR sponsor

Array.prototype.reverse is Broken on iOS 12 — A rather sneaky bug has made it into WebKit where the reverse method doesn’t mutate an array as expected. It also affects Safari 12 on macOS.

Stack Overflow

Like JavaScript Weekly? Try Our Other Newsletters — We frequently chat with subscribers who didn’t realize we publish other newsletters. We do, over ten of them now :-) Including Frontend Focus, a serverless newsletter, MongoDB Weekly and Postgres Weekly.


The Making of 'Underrun', a js13kGames Submission — Some notes on what it takes to build a WebGL shooter in just 13KB of total code and assets. Try the game here. And if you like this sort of explanation, there’s another about a game called Bellwoods by Matt DesLauriers.

Dominic Szablewski

Ruby's Hashes and Perl's Autovivification, in JavaScript — Applying concepts from Ruby, like default values, and autovivification (the automatic creation of new collections in place of undefined keys) from Perl in JavaScript.

Reginald Braithwaite

💻 Jobs

Sr. Back End Engineer - Node and Express (Orlando/San Diego/Remote) — You enjoy solving hard problems using technology and Postman is always open on your workstation. You have a GitHub repo with NPM packages.

MJD Interactive

Senior Product Engineer, Frontend at Hustle (San Francisco) — Hustle is a P2P text messaging platform. We're seeking a senior product engineer to join us in growing our engineering team, working on our core web and mobile products.


Try Vettery — Create a profile to connect with inspiring companies seeking JavaScript devs.


📘 Tutorials and Opinions

Three Features That Could Change the Future of JavaScript — A big ‘could’ though as the features are still being proposed and are under discussion.

Willian Martins

Ways to Think About Module Design — An excerpt from Mastering Modular JavaScript, a new book being released tomorrow.

Nicolás Bevacqua

Design a Custom Payment Form with Square's Payment Form Library

Square Developer sponsor

Build a Simple CRUD App with ASP.NET Core and Vue — If you’re on a .NET stack this might help you out.

Ibrahim Šuta

How to Build an Electron App with Okta-Powered Authentication — Electron is GitHub’s framework for building cross-platform desktop apps with Web technologies.

Matt Raible

Using Scoped Slots in Vue.js to Abstract Functionality

Mateusz Rybczonek

▶  How to Sort Your Socks using JavaScript — A look at the sorting algorithms used by different JS engines and how they vary.

Claudia Hernández

🔧 Code and Tools

worker-plugin: Adds Native Web Worker Bundling Support to Webpack — Automatically compiles modules loaded as Web Workers.

Google Chrome Labs

Build News and Activity Feeds in Days Instead of Months — Stream is an API for building scalable news feeds. Try out the API in this 5-minute interactive tutorial.

Stream sponsor

Sublime Merge: A New Git Client from the Makers of Sublime Text

Sublime HQ Pty Ltd.

Nuxt.js 2.0: Webpack 4, ESM Modules, create-nuxt-app and MoreNuxt.js is a framework for creating universal Vue.js apps.


Next.js 7: A Framework for Server-Rendered React Apps — Now a lot faster and using Webpack 4 and Babel 7.


Electron 3.0: The Cross Platform Desktop App Framework


T-Writer: A Native 'Typewriter Effect' Library — If you want to reproduce the effect of text being typed in real time.

Christopher Cavalea

Build Real-Time Web Experiences with a Simple but Powerful Serverless Backend

Microsoft sponsor

WWWBasic: An Implementation of BASIC for the Web — As well as supporting writing BASIC directly in your HTML, it can also be used as a Node module.
