#458 — October 11, 2019 |
JavaScript Weekly |
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roughViz.js: Create Hand-Drawn Styled Charts in the Browser — Supports bar, donut, line, pie and scatter charts for now and uses Rough.js under the hood which provides the same sort of thing for drawing shapes generally. Jared Wilber |
A Closer Look at Top-Level Myles Borins |
![]() New Course: Hard Parts of Functional JavaScript Fundamentals 🧡 — Explore the increasingly popular paradigm of functional programming in JavaScript. Go under the hood of powerful techniques like: Higher Order Functions, Function Composition, Pure Functions, and Immutability of State. Frontend Masters sponsor |
is-website-vulnerable: Find Known Vulnerabilities in a Site's Frontend Libraries — This is a neat tool, especially as Liran Tal |
Vue Next: A Sneak, 'Pre-Alpha' Peek at Vue.js 3 — This isn’t for production or anything but if you want to get a feel for what Vue.js 3.0 is going to be like, this is the codebase for you. Vue.js |
Reasons to Learn Redux as a JavaScript Developer — “I believe Redux makes everyone a better JavaScript developer,” says the author who is clearly a fan of the popular state management approach. Robin Wieruch |
The JS13kGames Winners — Js13kGames is a frequent JavaScript coding competition with a total file size limit of 13KB. A few weeks back, we linked to all 245 entries but now there are winners. It blows me away just what you folks are making and these games are fun to play. Js13kGames |
💻 Jobs |
React JS Developer (Remote) — We’re looking for an ambitious React developer to help us make komoot the place to go to plan outdoor adventures. KOMOOT |
It’s Not Rocket Science . . . or Is It? — Our client is looking for a programmer with out-of-this-world skills and an attention to detail that would make NASA sit up and take notice. CareersJS |
Find A Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started. Vettery |
📘 Articles & Tutorials |
JavaScript Naming Conventions — An introduction to ‘common sense’ conventions around naming variables, classes, functions, and more. Robin Wieruch |
Build a Dependency Graph Profiler in JavaScript — Sadly the code is just giant screenshots, but it’s neat to see an approach to doing this. Chidume Nnamdi |
Build a Customizable JavaScript Data Grid in Minutes — Create a JavaScript data grid in under 5 minutes. You'll also find resources for building in Angular, Vue, and React. Wijmo by GrapeCity sponsor |
Face Detection Using Deepak Gupta |
The V8 Engine and JavaScript Optimization Tips — Bear in mind that a problem with such tips can be that V8 eventually optimizes a previously slow case and your ‘optimized’ approach is then slower than the old way :-) Paul Ryan |
Quick Intro to Using Svelte to Create a Native Mobile App — Considerations involved in building a native app using the Svelte framework with NativeScript. Rob Lauer |
Retro Nostalgia and Why My New Website Looks Like Windows 98 — This developer was feeling “particularly nostalgic for the days of Geocities and floppy disks” so created a new (well-realised) Windows 98-style personal site paying homage to such an ‘idealized past’. Here’s the Preact-based UI library behind it. Ash Kyd |
How to Build Application Search with React and Elastic App Search elastic.co sponsor |
Making the Maxwell Burson |
17 Examples of Using Array and Object Destructuring Rajnish Rajput |
🔧 Code & Tools |
Sinuous: A(nother) Small, Fast, Reactive UI Library — After all, you never know what’s going to be the next React.. This does have a nice feel to it though and was built to be used in Vimeo’s video player. Wesley Luyten |
React Hook Form: Simple, Extensible React Form Validation — It’s not just an interesting project, but it has one of the best project homepages I’ve seen too, complete with code comparisons with similar libraries. GitHub repo. Blue Bill |
A Much Faster Way to Debug Code Than with Breakpoints or Wallaby.js sponsor |
Moveable: A Library for Dragging, Resizing, Scaling and More — If you want to manipulate an element in any way (warping, pinching, rotating, etc) this library can probably help. Demo here. Daybrush (Younkue Choi) |
Library Detector: A Chrome Extension That Detects JavaScript Libraries — A browser extension that detects a variety of different frontend libraries and frameworks. Open source or installable here. John Michel |
Ferrum: Get Some Rust Features in JavaScript — If you’ve been charmed by the Rust language, this brings a few of its ideas back to JavaScript, including traits and lazy sequence processing. Adobe, Inc. |
vue-treeselect: A Multi-Select Vue.js Component with Nested Options Support Fangzhou Li |