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TIL — The power of JSON.stringify replacer parameter

I had an interesting problem that melted my brain a bit. Let me share what I have learned and maybe save you a few moments when you come across a similar challenge. Lets have some fun with JSON.stringify().

const dude = {
  name: "Pawel",
  friends: ["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"]
const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude);

// {"name":"Pawel","friends":["Dan","Pedro","Mr Gregory"]}

No surprises here. Unfortunately, the architecture used on my project (AWS DynamoDB for curious beasts) forced me to deal with ECMAScript Sets and things became more interesting. Just look at this.

const dude = {
  name: "Pawel",
  friends: new Set(["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"])
const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude);

// {"name":"Pawel","friends":{}}

I assumed that a set of values is going to be converted to a good old plain array. As you may have guessed I was wrong — Sets, WeakSets, Maps and WeakMaps are ignored or replaced by null. There is hope though — the optional second argument of JSON.stringify() allows us to escape all Sets and convert them to an array.

const dude = {
  name: "Pawel",
  friends: new Set(["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"])
const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude, (key, value) =>
  value instanceof Set ? [...value] : value

// {"name":"Pawel","friends":["Dan","Pedro","Mr Gregory"]}

Problem solved 👏

(TIL) Today I learned

JSON.stringify() takes a second optional argument that can be a recursive replacer function or an array of white-listed keys to be stringified. Like so…

// Second argument as a replacer function

const dude = {
  name: "Dan"
const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude, (key, value) =>
  key === "name" ? "Pawel" : value

// {"name":"Pawel"}
// Second argument as an array of white-listed keywords

const dude = {
  name: "Pawel",
  friends: new Set(["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"])

const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude, ["name"]);

// {"name":"Pawel"}

Third argument can be a string or a number. It decides about the number of spaces or text to used as a delimiter. Look!

// Third argument as a number

const dude = {
  name: "Pawel",
  friends: ["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"]
const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude, null, 4);

// {
//   "name": "Pawel",
//   "friends": [
//       "Dan",
//       "Pedro",
//       "Mr Gregory"
//   ]
// }
// Third argument as a string

const dude = {
  name: "Pawel",
  friends: ["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"]
const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude, null, "🍆");

// {
// 🍆"name": "Pawel",
// 🍆"friends": [
// 🍆🍆"Dan",
// 🍆🍆"Pedro",
// 🍆🍆"Mr Gregory"
// 🍆]
// }

Until next time, stay curious 💋


  • R
    Raymond Camden

    And using \t for the third argument makes it nicer when displayed.

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek

      Yes, I use it all the time.

      Did you know that third argument can be a string (like you suggested) or a number? If it is a number it a number of spaces, if string a text that will be used as a delimiter.

      Thanks for your input. Have a great weekend @cfjedimaster:disqus 👋

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      • R
        Raymond Camden

        Didn't know about the number. :)

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      • C
        Colin Richardson

        I only found that out when I switched to Typescript and it came up as an option. I thought it would put the number instead of a space, thought it was very odd, til I tried it and realised it was the number of spaces. So now it's always stringify(value, null, 2) for me.
        Shame about always having to add the null

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    • C
      Christophe Nabil Nicolas El-Kh

      How would `'\t'` make it nicer when displayed? I always use `2` as an argument for the indentation.
      What does `'\t'` do?

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      • Pawel Grzybek
        Pawel Grzybek

        It is escaped tab.

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        • C
          Christophe Nabil Nicolas El-Kh

          But it increases the indentation more than 2. Try that

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          • Pawel Grzybek
            Pawel Grzybek

            Yes, it increases spacing by the size of a `tab` :)

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  • K
    Kevin Baugh

    element.innerHTML = `<pre><code>${JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2)}</code></pre>` is my best friend for debugging.

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  • d

    You could also define a `toJSON` method on the respective object:

    If the value has a toJSON() method, it's responsible to define what data will be serialized.


    dude.toString = function() {
    return {
    enemies: null

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek

      Another little-known cool feature. Thanks!

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    • A
      Andy Farrell

      Given that, would it be reasonable to add a .toJSON() method to Set.prototype which returned the Set as an array, thus neatly (maybe?) working around the issue?

      Or does .stringify() only look for a .toJSON() method on the its first argument?

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      • d

        Generally speaking, you wanna avoid extending built-ins, so I'd advise sticking with the replacer function for that.

        But yeah, `JSON.stringify` does invoke `toJSON` also for nested objects.

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  • f

    Good to know about Map and Set behavior with JSON.stringify() and good is every article about 2 other arguments since very few people knowing about it and using it :-)
    I am using mainly 3rd argument for some months and mainly for printing arrays for debug or some export, since it works for arrays the same way it works for objects.

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  • B
    Bruno Vieira

    Did you try using Array.from()? like below... it works to me

    const dude = {
    name: "Pawel",
    friends: Array.from(new Set(["Dan", "Pedro", "Mr Gregory"]))

    const str = JSON.stringify(dude);

    //{"name":"Pawel","friends":["Dan","Pedro","Mr Gregory"]}

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    • f

      Sure, JSON.stringify has no problems with arrays and objects but problem is with Maps and Sets returning "{}" in output.
      That replacement function used with JSON.stringify is doing the same spreading set into array. [...someSet] and Array.from(someSet) are doing the same thing.

      const dudeStringified = JSON.stringify(dude, (key, value) =>
      value instanceof Set ? [...value] : value

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