JavaScript Weekly
Issue 197 — September 5, 2014
An epic interview/group discussion featuring Brendan Eich where he walks through JavaScript’s history, warts and all. A lot of back-story and interesting tangents here. It’s almost two hours long but worth the listen to get more insights into JavaScript and its development.
JavaScript Jabber

An easy to understand JavaScript DSL to make writing and debugging integration tests in an English-like Cucumber/Gherkin-style simpler. It interacts with your app via a real browser to test its state against your expectations.

Frontend Masters
Aaron Frost, ES6 master, will give you a crash course on the changes JavaScript will see both on the client and server. He will also give you the tools you need to integrate ES6 into your projects.
Join us September 19th – attend online or in-person!
Frontend Masters   Sponsor

A look at some of the more sophisticated or interesting ways to create and work with objects, including ES6’s proxies and symbols. If you want to do some diving into JavaScript’s more technical parts, you should enjoy this.
Bjorn Tipling

Last week I linked to the awesome slides but now Google has uploaded the full talk. Addy Osmani show us how to master the Chrome DevTools for effective memory management to tackle things like memory leaks, pauses, bloat, etc.
Addy Osmani

Nordic.js is a 2 day JavaScript conference in Stockholm. It’s sold out but you can sign up for free to watch the live stream on September 18-19 featuring speakers like Leah Culver, Tom Dale, Jina Bolton and Douglas Crockford.


In Brief

FullStack: A New Node and JS Conference in London, UK (October 23-24) news
Skills Matter

Socket.IO 1.1.0 Released: The Fast, Reliable Real-Time Communications Engine news
Tony Kovanen

JSFest Oakland: A Week of JS Events by the Community (Dec 7-13) news

Yahoo! Stopping All New Development on YUI news
Yahoo Engineering

Building A Simple Cross-Browser Offline To-Do List With IndexedDB And WebSQL tutorial
Smashing Magazine

Preventing Function Signature Mismatch in ES5 and ES6 tutorial
Axel Rauschmayer

Building a Chat App with node-webkit, Firebase, and AngularJS tutorial

What you need to know about block scope: let tutorial
ES6 Rocks

ECMAScript 6: What's Next for JavaScript? video
Axel Rauschmayer

A Discussion on AngularJS's Learning Curve podcast
Front-end Developer Cast

Use Node.JS and Arduino to Build A Weather Display node
Node Disassemble

Cross-Storage: Cross Domain Local Storage with Permissions code
Enables multiple browser windows/tabs, across a variety of domains, to share a single localStorage.

Ideal Image Slider: A Clean, Smart Image Slider in Vanilla JS code
Gilbert Pellegrom

PostScribe: Asynchronously Write JavaScript, even with document.write code

AngularStrap 2.1.0: AngularJS Native Directives for Bootstrap 3 code
Olivier Louvignes

A Proof-of-Concept Rewrite of The jQuery UI Widgets to Use Web Components code
TJ VanToll

Blast.js: A jQuery Plugin That Breaks Apart Text for Easier Manipulation code
Mozilla Hacks

A Set of True JavaScript Controls Created Using ECMAScript 5 
The ECMAScript 5 specification, supported by all modern browsers, adds a host of key features that were missing in JavaScript. Wijmo 5, a collection of UI widgets, utilized these new features to create a suite of true JavaScript controls. Check out the faster, lighter, and more mobile Wijmo 5!
Wijmo  Sponsor