JavaScript Weekly
Issue 295 — August 4, 2016
Modular, responsive, supports numerous video services plus HTML5 video, CSS3 transitions, and more. Demo here.
Sachin Nchoolur

If you’re using jQuery, being familiar with selectors to select the elements upon which you want to operate is key. Baljeet Rathi takes an in-depth look at the many selectors available.

An introductory look at functional programming in JavaScript inspired and fuelled by Kyle Simpson’s recent Functional-Light JavaScript workshop.
Beth Allchurch

Formidable is a React and Node.js consultancy. We contribute to the Open Source Ecosystem and solve interesting problems for companies of all sizes using the latest and greatest in JavaScript. You can be Formidable too - we're hiring.
Formidable   Sponsor

A code-driven exploration of creating custom form controls that integrate nicely with Angular’s form APIs.
Pascal Precht

A plain language, jargon-free description of React Fiber, an ongoing reimplementation of React’s core algorithm and the culmination of over 2 years of research by the React team.
Andrew Clark

A good general introduction to the core concepts of the Ember framework, and a demo of how to build an Ember app.
Daniel Gynn

Microsoft’s JavaScript engine ChakraCore now supports Mac OS and Linux. Here, Christian explains why it matters.
Christian Heilmann


In Brief

“Async functions are now stage 4 and will be included in ES2017” news
Brian Terlson on Twitter

A Primer on the React Ecosystem tutorial
Part 2 of a series looking at React components and how to create and structure them. Part 1 is here.
Nitin Punjabi

The for Loop vs. forEach tutorial
David Tang

Gathering Data In Parallel Inside an Asynchronous Generator-Based Workflow tutorial
Ben Nadel

Functional TypeScript tutorial
A practical look at applying functional thinking to refactoring TypeScript code.
Victor Savkin

Use React Native to a Create a Face Recognition App tutorial
How to use the Microsoft Face API within React Native.
Wern Ancheta

How to Build Nested Model-Driven Forms in Angular 2 tutorial
.. with validation using the latest forms module.
Jecelyn Yeen

Exploring Mithril, a JS Framework for Building Web Front Ends tutorial
Mike Ward

Ultimate JavaScript String Tutorial in 37 Minutes video

SoundCloud's Experience with React Native story
How Soundcloud took to using React Native for their Pulse iOS app.
Jan Monschke and Peter Minarik

A Quick Look at the React and Redux Browser DevTools opinion
Chris Coyier

Why Choose ES6 Modules, Based on the State of the Art of JS Modularization opinion
Mathieu Breton

The Case for JS++ opinion
JS++ is a superset of JavaScript with type guarantees.
Roger Poon

Expanding horizons beyond instant test feedback and realtime code coverage tools
Introducing Wallaby.js App: real-time test analytics for your project's tests connected to your editor.
Wallaby.js  Sponsor

PyMiniRacer: Embed JavaScript into Python via V8 tools
Jean-Baptiste Aviat

67 Open Source Modal Window Plugins for the Web tools
Not a fan of these but sometimes they have a use.
Julia Chen

Code Smarter, Not Harder with Jacks by Building More Secure JS Apps tools
Scan your GitHub repo and master security as you code with Jacks, a developer-driven security tool for JS.
Codiscope Jacks  Sponsor

jQuery Rate: A Simple jQuery Plugin for Creating Graphical Ratings code
Demo - the actual code is here.

react-media: A CSS Media Query Component for React code

Slapp: A Node Module for Building Slack Integrations code
Uses Slack’s new Events API.

React Interpose: Use CSS Variables in React Components code
Reduces the clutter of React components by bridging the gap between JS and CSS.
Adam Timberlake

Kasia: A React Redux Toolset for the WordPress API code