JavaScript Weekly
Issue 349 — August 25, 2017

August is always a quiet time in the programming world as people are enjoying vacations or the weather rather than creating articles or new projects :-) Bear with us, things always pick up in September. Till then, to suggest items for future issues you can tweet us @JavaScriptDaily or hit reply to this email.

Your editor,
Peter Cooper

A practical introduction to the fundamentals of React for those who are already familiar with JavaScript and know the basics of the DOM API.
Samer Buna

A look at JavaScript’s potential in a high performance database setting, based around this academic paper (PDF).
Adrian Colyer

The fork is called Ayo. It stems from a controversial vote to remove a member (Rod Vagg) from Node’s TSC, and Rod has also responded in turn.
The New Stack

2017 predictions for the key and rising JavaScript libraries and frameworks and JS’s New Frontiers in this whitepaper.
Progress   Sponsor

Scope tells the compiler where to look for variables & functions when it needs them - Wissam Abirached explains the different ways this works in JavaScript.
Telerik Developer Network

Thanks to transpilers, front-end apps are no longer limited to JavaScript. James Kolce summarizes 10 other languages that compile to JS.

More interesting than it sounds as it explains the absolute basics and also has a code-driven screencast alongside it.
Per Harald Borgen

Facebook reacts to Apache’s recent critique of React’s ‘BSD + Parents’ license by explaining how it helps them contribute to open source.
Facebook Code


In Brief

Polymer 3.0 Preview: Moving to npm and ES6 Modules news
Polymer Project

Vue.js + Brunch: The Webpack Alternative You've Been Hungry For tutorial
Anthony Gore

The Observer Pattern in JavaScript Explained tutorial
Pawel Grzybek

Typing 'import' Statements More Quickly tutorial
Includes a snippet for VS Code.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

A Crash Course in Just-In-Time (JIT) Compilers tutorial
From earlier this year but definitely worth it.
Mozilla Hacks

Building a realtime feed with Node.js and AMP tutorial
Discover how you can create a realtime React VR app, using websockets to support multi-user interactions in a WebVR experience.
Pusher  Sponsor

Taking Advantage of the Angular Material Datepicker tutorial
Angular Blog

10 JavaScript Concepts You Need to Know for Interviews tutorial
Arnav Aggarwal

An In-Depth 45 Minute Look at Async/Await video

The Power of Elm in JavaScript opinion
Franzé Jr

Are content changes wasting your time? Add CMS anywhere on your site tools
Empower non-technical users to change content themselves, avoiding back-and-forth edits.
Component IO  Sponsor

vx: Reusable D3 Visualization React Components tools
Brings together d3’s math skills with React’s DOM-updating skills. Demos here.
Harrison Shoff

fuzzysort: Fast SublimeText-like Fuzzy Search for JavaScript code
Stephen Kamenar

GraphicsJS: An Elegant Browser Graphics Library code

Text Mask: Text Input Masking, with Wrappers for Frameworks code
Supports phone numbers, dates, emails and more.
Text Mask

seamless-immutable: Immutable Data Structures Compatible with Normal Objects code
Richard Feldman

The Side Effects of Stubbing 'console' in Tests 
Gyandeep Singh

Build an app using MongoDB and Node.js tools
MONGODB  Sponsor

P.S. A big shoutout to a new subscriber who mentioned us on Instagram earlier today.