#518 — December 11, 2020

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JavaScript Weekly

The 'Import on Interaction' Pattern — You know what’s faster than loading lots of front-end code? Not loading it. You can then ‘lazy-load’ non-critical resources when the user needs to actually use them. Addy Osmani digs in deep as to how this can work here.

Addy Osmani

The JavaScript Christmas Advent Calendar 2020Bekk has run these advent calendars on a variety of topics for a few years now and they’re a good source of bite size articles, tips, etc. You might enjoy The Three Ways of Fetching, What’s New in ES2021 or Machine Learning with JavaScript so far this year.


The Easiest Way to Monitor Node: Automatic Instrumentation — Monitoring your Node.js apps can be hard. You need to understand what you need to monitor, instrument code, and then make sense of all the data. Automatic instrumentation makes that whole process easier and streamlined. Find out how you can do it.

AppSignal sponsor

Get Ready to Up Your (Google) Apps Script — Google introduced Apps Script over ten years ago as a powerful, JavaScript-powered way to script its various services (e.g. Gmail, Sheets..) Rather than shutting it down, Google has unveiled a new online IDE to make the development process far smoother.


Deno 1.6 Released: You Can Now Build Executables — Perhaps the biggest post-1.0 release for the security-oriented TypeScript-leaning JavaScript runtime as it can now build self contained, standalone binaries though there are limitations and drawbacks (one being the file sizes). A promising step forward for JS tooling, though? Certainly.

Iwańczuk, Casonato, and Dahl

⚡️ Quick Releases

  • Stimulus 2.0 — 'Decorate your HTML' with JS functionality library from Basecamp — commonly associated with Ruby on Rails.
  • Fable 3.0 — A F# to JavaScript compiler.
  • μPlot 1.5 — High performance time series plotting.
  • mapbox-gl-js 2.0 — Tiled WebGL-powered maps. Note the license change.
  • Pickr 1.8.0 — No depedency color picker library.
  • jsPDF 2.2 — Client-side PDF generation.

📚 Tutorials, Opinions and Stories

A Deep Dive Into Rome: Linting, Compiling, and Bundling — We featured Rome’s fundraising request above, but what is it like to actually use and can it really replace tools like Prettier and Babel? Not yet, but it’s promising.

Julio Sampaio

How to Create a 'Client-Serverless' JAMstack App with Netlify, Gatsby and Fauna — This is for you if you want a complete walkthrough of building a JAMstack app with Fauna providing data over GraphQL, functions hosted by Netlify, and a Gatsby powered client side app.

Tapas Adhikary

Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Sticky Table Headers with React Hooks — For tabular data presentation, flexbox is often chosen over the seemingly old-fashioned and much maligned <table> element. But the latter can still be a good choice when aided by these techniques.

Miroslav Nikolov

'No One Ever Got Fired for Choosing React' — A modern frontend riff on the old saying about IBM. Maybe there is safety in numbers. It provoked a bit of a discussion on Hacker News too.

Jake Lazaroff

How to Create a Favicon That Changes Automatically — It doesn’t take a lot of JavaScript to make this trick happen. We also get to see how to wrap it up into a React component.

Carlo Martinucci

Node.js + Express: An OpenTelemetry Deep Dive

Lightstep sponsor

▶  A Chat with RedwoodJS's Tom Preston-Werner — A new podcast featuring Anthony Campolo and Christopher Burns that covers “fullstack jamstack”, a space that RedwoodJS is pioneering in. BTW, if Tom's name seems familiar, he was one of GitHub's founders!

FSJam Podcast podcast

From Callback Hell to Callback Heaven — ‘Reflecting back’ on the days of heavy use of callbacks.. although this is still the daily reality for many of us! :-)

Eugene Ghanizadeh

The 'Async Disposer' Pattern in JavaScript — How to automatically close and cleanup resources.

Tamás Sallai

🛠 Code & Tools

supported by Okta

Electron React Boilerplate 2.0: A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps — Brings together Electron (the popular cross-platform desktop app development toolkit) with React, React Router, webpack and React Fast Refresh. 2.0 waves goodbye to Redux and upgrades to Electron 11 and webpack 5.

Electron React Boilerplate

htmlparser2 6.0.0: A Forgiving HTML and XML Parser — Consumes documents and calls callbacks, but it can generate a DOM as well. There’s a live demo here.

Felix Böhm

Announcing Prisma Migrate Preview - Simplified Database Migrations — Prisma is a Node and TypeScript ORM. Learn more about Migrate in their announcement blog post.

Prisma sponsor

SiriWave: The Apple Siri Waveform Replicated in Pure JavaScript — If you need an effect that implies sound is playing or being recorded, perhaps.

Flavio Maria De Stefano

eslint-config-prettier 7.0: Turns Off ESLint Rules That Might Conflict with Prettier


Markdown Editor 2.0: A Simple, React-Powered Markdown Editor with Preview

Sniffer 4.0: Isomorphic Browser, Engine, OS and Device Detection
Oleg Korsunskiy

💻 Jobs

Software Developer (Austin, TX) — We're a largely ex-Pivotal tech team looking for developers with all levels of experience. If you enjoy learning, collaborating, and creative problem solving then let's talk.

Stronghold Resource Partners

Senior Web Developer (Node/ReactJS) - Remote — Millions get inspired and plan adventures with our apps. To help us make komoot.com the place to go to plan outdoor adventures, we’re looking for a one of a kind Web Developer to join our team.


Find Your Next Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
