JavaScript Weekly
Issue 202 — October 10, 2014
Dives into a CSS layout debugger (delivered as a one-liner bookmarklet) by Addy Osmani to look at the various JavaScript tricks used inside.
Javier Márquez

Covers a diverse range of ideas from directory structure to controller bloat and scoping.
Mark Meyer

Patrick Catanzariti presents an overview of the various devices that communicate with or that use JavaScript, including Leap Motion, the Oculus Rift, and Tessel.

Raygun gives you a complete overview of software bugs and crashes that are happening in your applications. Just add a few lines of code to your application and start fixing bugs before your users are affected.
Raygun   Sponsor

Colin describes the let keyword, destructuring assignment, default parameters, rest parameters, and more, as ECMAScript 6’s ‘quick wins’ you should know about.
Colin Toh

Sebastian McKenzie

Strap on your VR helmet and code in a 3D environment. The video demo on YouTube is fun.
Brian Peiris


  • Senior Engineer at Cloud9 IDE in AmsterdamJoin our fast moving team of senior engineers to build out the fastest growing and most advanced cloud based development env around. Full stack JS, interesting problems to solve, learn from your colleagues and teach them at the same time. Cloud9
  • AngularJS MentorMentor intermediate and advanced front end developers as they learn the fastest growing JavaScript framework for modern web development. We love and use Angular at Thinkful. If you do too and want to share the love join us! Thinkful
  • Software Developer at Atomic Object (Ann Arbor, MI)Atoms are generalists, working on small, collaborative, self-managed teams to make awesome custom products (web, mobile, desktop, and embedded) for our clients. We're smart, passionate, analytical, and always learning. Join us. Atomic Object

In Brief

'As of today, all new Angular releases are published to npm.' news
Brian Ford

Creating Progressively Enhanced UI Elements with JavaScript tutorial
Dudley Storey

JavaScript Best Practices tutorial
Adapted from a popular slide deck by Mozilla’s Christian Heilmann.

Building HTML5 Form Validation Bubble Replacements tutorial
Telerik Developer Network

The Definitive Guide to JavaScript Generators tutorial
Gajus Kuizinas

Mary Rose Cook Live-Codes A JavaScript Game From Scratch video
Mary Rose Cook

Implementing Promises - A Live Coding Session with Remy Sharp video

ECMAScript 6 Promises (2/2): The API 
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

JavaScript Battle: A Daily AI Battle 
Hack Reactor

JavaScript Unit Testing: Guiding Principles and Common Excuses 
Matt Harrington

Introducing Leche: A JavaScript Testing Utility for Mocha and Sinon code
Box Tech

Nightmare: A High Level Wrapper for Phantomjs code
Designed for automating tasks across sites that don’t have APIs.

Simple.Timer: A Timer Plugin for jQuery code
Carlos Souza

FKit: Another Functional Programming Library for JavaScript code
Provides developers with functional programming ‘building blocks’ that can be used to write more expressive code.
Josh Bassett

imgix.js: A Library for Responsive Images code
Code dependency free, extensive documentation, though it does rely on a specific image hosting service.
Zebrafish Labs

JS-Interpreter Demo: A Sandboxed JS Interpreter Written in JS code
Neil Fraser

react-hn: A React-Powered Hacker News Frontend (using the new HN API) code
Jonathan Buchanan

Inverse.js: A Dead-Simple JavaScript IoC Container code
Michael Cordingley

JuliusJS: A Speech Recognition Library for The Web code
Zach Pomerantz

Still in the 24% who don’t do database source control? Then read this free eBook 
Learn database source control with this free guide: SQL Server Source Control Basics. Written by an MVP and 2 others, it has 295 pages full of worked examples, covering core ideas, tools, source control systems, and how to automate. Get your copy now.
Red Gate Software  Sponsor