JavaScript Weekly
Issue 206 — November 7, 2014
An incredibly extensive, up to date summary of the knowledge and ideas behind Angular 2.0, from a member of the core team.
Rob Eisenberg

The inventor of elegantly introduces several principles for sites that want to use JavaScript-based interfaces.
Guillermo Rauch

This is a long, deep piece, and built around JavaScript. Put aside a weekend to dive into this.
Andrej Karpathy

Get a real time view of software errors and crashes that are happening in your applications, with all the information you need to fix bugs fast. Raygun is an essential tool for every developer.
Raygun   Sponsor

In response to concerns raised on Angular's future, steps have been taken to make the v1 to v2 transition smoother. Angular 1.x: The plan forward outlines things well. We also learn 1600+ apps at Google use Angular 1.
Igor Minar

Emscripten compiles C/C++ into the asm.js JavaScript subset, enabling programs originally written for the desktop to run in the browser.
Mozilla Hacks

How npm is used in front-end development (32% of the top packages are front-end oriented) and the issues and solutions around such usage.
Laurie Voss

An extensive look at what Ember 2.0 has in store, including the principle of ‘Stability without Stagnation’. An in-depth comment thread follows on too.
Tom Dale


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  • JavaScript Engineer (San Francisco, CA)At Indiegogo, you will work with exceptional developers to build responsive front-end interfaces and making our consumer platform even more robust-- changing people’s lives and changing the world one idea at a time. Indiegogo
  • JavaScript Developers, AngularJS/Node.js (Berlin)Help us revolutionize e-commerce by building real-time 3D customization tools with a world class team of creative, smart and passionate developers and founders. Join us in the vibrant city of Berlin - relocation assistance available. iDsign

In Brief

Massive: The asm.js Benchmark news
Mozilla Hacks

Merging Responsive Page Elements with JavaScript tutorial
Dudley Storey

5 Functions of The Console Object You Didn’t Know tutorial
assert, table, profile, group, and time
Bartłomiej Kozal

Getting To Know Flux, the React.js Architecture tutorial
Ken Wheeler

Running Robots From Your Browser With Cylon.js tutorial

2D Game Development using Processing.js tutorial
Mike Kamermans

JavaScript Properties Are Enumerable, Writable and Configurable tutorial
Javier Márquez

Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM 
Andre Medeiros

How to Speed Up Lo-Dash ×100? Introducing Lazy Evaluation 
Filip Zawada Remote Monitoring and Debugging for tools
Drew Blaisdell

Swing: A Swipeable Cards Interface Library (think Tinder) code
Gajus Kuizinas

Paperclip.js: A Fast Compiled, Reactive Template Engine for The DOM code
Craig Condon

Alasql.js: Pure JavaScript, Client-side In-Memory SQL Database code

McFly: Flux Architecture Made Easy code
Ken Wheeler

React Date Picker code

Angular Locker: Simple, Configurable Abstraction for Local/Session Storage code

seamless-immutable: Backwards-Compatible Immutable Data Structures for JS code
Backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects.
Richard Feldman

LokiJS: Fast, Lightweight JavaScript In-Memory Database  code

A Programming Language Implemented in JavaScript on JSFiddle code

Get Started with Performance Testing 
Ian Molyneaux explains the life cycle of the testing process demonstrates best practices to help performance tests succeed. Catch him at Velocity 19 Nov. If you can’t make it, register for his live free training on 10 Dec.
O'Reilly  Sponsor