JavaScript Weekly
Issue 315 — December 22, 2016

In this final issue of the year, we look back at the most popular JavaScript news and links of 2016. We close the year with 108,887 subscribers and thank you all for your support! We hope you have a happy holiday season and we'll see you in 2017 with a lot of fun new stuff :-)

Back in January, Eric Elliott started a series of posts digging into common job interview questions. On closures, he noted: “If you can’t answer this question, you’re a junior developer.”
Eric Elliott

A great read from the author of Refactoring where he reimplements an example from the book in ES6, and shows off four refactoring approaches.
Martin Fowler

Jack Franklin also wrote a handy migrating to Webpack 2 guide.
Drew Powers

A look at approaches and best practices to error handling in JavaScript, including how to deal with errors thrown by asynchronous code.
Camilo Reyes

Kendo UI delivers everything you need to build modern web applications under tight deadlines - from the must-haves Data Grids and DropDowns to Spreadsheet and Scheduler. Choose from 70+ UI components and combine them to create beautiful, responsive apps.
Progress   Sponsor

Still only a couple of months old, Yarn took off as a new way to manage your npm packages.
Facebook Code

A module bundler with super simple code splitting support that aims for extremely efficient packing. It uses Browserify, Babel and Closure Compiler behind the scenes.
Malte Ubl

An attempt to recreate React’s core functionality with as little code as possible and with first-class ES6 support. It has become very popular this year.
Jason Miller

Dr. Axel showed off some tricks enabled by new features in ES6, such as enforcing mandatory function arguments and efficient value swapping.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Detailed results from Sacha Greif’s ‘State of JavaScript’ survey. Over 9,000 of you took part.
Sacha Greif

Raymond Camden offers tips, techniques and tools that can improve your development skills for anyone learning JavaScript.
Telerik Developer Network


In Brief

Functional Programming for JavaScript People tutorial
Chet Corcos

JavaScript Testing: Unit vs Functional vs Integration Tests tutorial
Eric Elliott

ES6 Module Loading: More Complicated Than You Think tutorial
Nicholas C Zakas

Intro to Immutable.js and Functional Programming Concepts tutorial
Sebastián Peyrott

10 Lodash Features You Can Replace with ES6 tutorial
Dan Prince

Build a Fullstack Angular2 + Express.js app with User Management in 10 Minutes 
Get an Angular 2 app up and running in 10 minutes - complete with user registration, authentication, and more.
Stormpath  Sponsor

The Cost of Small Modules opinion
Nolan Lawson

Angular 2 vs React: The Ultimate Dance Off opinion
Eric Elliott

Choosing Vanilla JavaScript in 2016 opinion
Andrew Rabon

The Future of ES6 video
TC39's Jafar Husain gave an engaging talk on where JavaScript is headed now ES6 has become popular.
Jafar Husain

optimize-js: Optimize JS for Faster Initial Loading tools
Nolan Lawson

Create React App: Create React Apps with No Build Configuration tools

scientist.js: A Tool for Carefully Refactoring Critical Paths tools
Ziya Sarikaya

Integrated Continuous Testing Tool for JavaScript tools
JavaScript TDD on steroids with instant code coverage right in your editor, now with coverage reports.
Wallaby.js  Sponsor

Viewer.js: JavaScript Image Viewer code
Fengyuan Chen

Draft.js: A Rich Text Editor Framework for React code

Clarity: A HTML/CSS/UX Design System and Angular 2 Components code

AnyPixel.js: To Create Big Interactive Real World Displays code
Google Creative Lab

lightgallery.js: A Full-Featured, Responsive Lightbox Gallery code
Sachin Nchoolur