JavaScript Weekly
Issue 320 — February 2, 2017
A book by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer on the latest versions of ECMAScript that’s free to read online, but also available as a PDF. Axel has also updated his ECMAScript 2017 post with the final feature set.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

TC39’s Brian Terlson and Naveed Ihsanullah of Mozilla explain why ‘async’ are a big deal for both JavaScript and TypeScript developers.
Mary Branscombe

Don’t wait for users to tell you when your gnarly code inevitably breaks. Sentry’s open source error tracking and notifications for JavaScript, Node.js - and every other major language in your stack - will let you know exactly when and where you went wrong.
Sentry   Sponsor

Extracted from the first chapter in Practical ES6 and reviewed by the creator of JavaScript himself, Brendan Eich, amongst others.
Nicolás Bevacqua

At 3 years old, Mithril has reached its 1.0 milestone. It clocks in at under 8KB after gzip and the homepage shows off its basic feature-set well.

Uses Service Workers in the browser to let you set up a mock API without using any servers.
Service Mocker

In Chrome’s console you can format log messages with CSS. This 5 minute video walks through creating a template tag function for a more reusable formatting approach.
John Lindquist

The goal is simple: write something clever/fun/interesting in 1024 bytes of JavaScript. Entries due by end of February.


In Brief

A Look at Meteor in 2017 news
Matt DeBergalis

Announcing 'Learning Aurelia' from Packt Publishing news

Got Node Skills? Soon, There Will Be a Certification for That news node
Michelle Gienow

Create data-intensive, feature-rich web and mobile apps with Sencha Ext JS 
Learn how to design, develop and test data-intensive web apps that run on desktops, tablets, and smartphones with Sencha Ext JS
Sencha, Inc.  Sponsor

6 Great Uses of the ES6 Spread Operator tutorial
David Walsh

A (Very) Beginner's Guide to JavaScript Variables and Datatypes tutorial
Tania Rascia

Amazon-Like Popover Trigger Behaviors in Angular tutorial
Nathan Meyers

Implementing async/await with ES6 Generators and Promises tutorial
Chris Chares

What is Angular? tutorial
If you’ve not used Angular at all and want a high level explanation, this is as good as any.
TJ VanToll

A Look at ES7 (ES2016) and ES8 (ES2017) Features tutorial
Azat Mardan

Using terminal to view test results is a productivity killer. tools
It's like browsing the web in a text-based browser. We deliver test results in realtime to your editor.
Wallaby.js  Sponsor

gotem: 'Copy to Clipboard' for Modern Browsers in Under 1KB code
Michael Cavalea

injection-js: A Dependency Injection Library Extracted From Angular code
Minko Gechev

HyperApp: 1KB JavaScript Library for Building Modern UI Applications code
Jorge Bucaran

Gridtab: A jQuery Plugin to Build Grid Based Responsive Tabs code

Avoriaz: A Vue.js Testing Utility Library code
Edd Yerburgh

vanilla-tilt.js: A 3D Element Tilting Library (without the jQuery Dependency) code
A fork of tilt.js that we linked last week.

React-Redux Grid: A Grid + Tree Component using the Redux Pattern code
Benjamin Cripps

fast-memoize.js: The 'Fastest Possible' JS Memoization Library code
Caio Gondim