JavaScript Weekly
Issue 322 — February 16, 2017
The team at Telerik looks back at their predictions for JavaScript in 2016 and then ahead at what we might expect for the language in 2017.
Tara Manicsic

If you find yourself reaching for while or for, think again - maybe map, reduce, filter, or find could result in more elegant, less complex code.
James Sinclair

James, who wrote a great post on work on modules at TC-39, returns with an update on how things are progressing.
James M Snell

Frontend Masters
Write bullet-proof, easily maintainable web applications with Elm, the functional programming language that is transforming web application development!
Frontend Masters   Sponsor

Recent improvements to V8’s garbage collector allow larger heap sizes, and the latest Chrome Canary uses to this your advantage when debugging JavaScript memory leaks.
Michael Hablich

Simple, live and editable ES6/ES2015 examples covering things from arrow functions and iterators to maps and proxies.
Rasmus Prentow

Covers six types of state, typical mistakes made managing them in Angular apps, and the patterns you should use instead.
Victor Savkin


In Brief

Babel 6.23.0 Released news
Improvements to react-constant-elements, codegen optimizations, and bug fixes.

IBM #WatsonCodeChallenge news
Compete against the best and test your coding skills during the IBM #WatsonCodeChallenge. Hurry, the contest ends Feb. 20th.
IBM Watson  Sponsor

Naive Infinite Scroll in Reactive Programming using RxJS Observables tutorial
Ashwin Sureshkumar

Making Your Angular Apps Fast tutorial
Packed with helpful tips to speed up your Angular apps.
Pascal Precht

Writing JavaScript with Accessibility in Mind tutorial
Manuel Matuzovic

Vue.js's Single File Components: Keeping It All In One Place tutorial
Joe Zimmerman

Build, Test and Deploy Your Vue.js App Easily with GitLab tutorial
Simon Tarchichi

Is Your Ember App Too Big? Split It Up with Ember Engines tutorial
Todd Gandee

Native ECMAScript Modules: Dynamic import() tutorial
Serg Hospodarets

A Comprehensive Look at jQuery DOM Traversal tutorial

Dissecting Twitter’s Redux Store tutorial
Ryan Johnson

Pusher Realtime Reddit API 
Pusher built a simple tool that lets you subscribe to realtime updates from any public subreddit.
Pusher  Sponsor

How to Profile and Optimize Your Angular 2 Apps video
Programming with Mosh

The Evolution Of Asynchronous JavaScript video
Alessandro Cinelli outlines how dealing with asynchrony in JavaScript has evolved. 25 minutes.
Sessions by Pusher

Sazerac: Data-Driven Testing for JavaScript tools
Mike Calvanese

A Catalog of Over 140 Angular 2+ Components and Libraries tools

webpack-chain: A Chaining API to Simplify Webpack 2 Config Modification tools
Eli Perelman

Typewriter.js: A Simple, Dependency-Free 'Typewriting' Effect code

fmt-obj: Prettifies Any JavaScript Object in Your Console code
Fabian Eichenberger

opentype.js: A Parser and Writer for OpenType and TrueType Fonts code
Frederik De Bleser