JavaScript Weekly
Issue 351 — September 8, 2017
The Yarn JavaScript package manager is now used by 175,000 projects on GitHub and responsible for 3 billion package downloads per month.
Facebook Code

A developer at Google shares a sneak preview of a tool (still in alpha) for more efficient builds of large Angular apps.
Alex Eagle

Google, Inc.
Connect with Chrome engineers and other leading developers for a two-day exploration of building beautiful and performant experiences at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts on 23-24 October.
Google, Inc.   Sponsor

Oriented around Hapi, React, React Router v4, Redux, Postgres, and NGINX. GitHub repo.
Tane Piper

Ditch console.log debugging once and for all by learning to use breakpoints to debug code within the DevTools.
Brandon Morelli

If ultra-light alternatives to things like React appeal to you, innerself is worth checking out, even if just for the explanation of how it works.
Staś Małolepszy

An informative take on how to choose the best framework for your next project.
Jens Neuhaus

Explains the reasoning behind Webpack, and what makes it more than a mere bundler.
Jack Histon

A trip down one of JavaScript’s many interesting rabbit holes. “It makes sense, honestly”, says the author.
Abinav Seelan


In Brief An Up-to-Date List of Upcoming JS Conferences news

Quokka.js Live JavaScript Scratchpad Now Available for Atom news
Artem Govorov

Using terminal to view test results is a productivity killer 
It's like browsing the web in a text-based browser. We deliver test results in realtime to your editor.
Wallaby.js  Sponsor

Building a Simple Notes Manager with Vue.js tutorial
Yanis Triandaphilov

Building a Mini Card Game with Polymer 3.0 Preview tutorial
Jecelyn Yeen

Don’t Be Afraid of Headless Chrome: Why and How to Use It for Ember Testing tutorial
Jen Weber

Building TDD RESTful APIs with Koa 2, Mocha and Chai tutorial node
Valentino Gagliardi

It’s OK to Not Use Yarn opinion
“Is there something wrong with using Yarn? Yes, there is, if you don’t need it.”
David Gilbertson

Micro Frontends: Extending Microservice Ideas to Frontend Development opinion
Micro Frontends

How I Convinced Our CTO to Switch From CoffeeScript to ES6 story
Zach Schneider

#1 Way to Detect, Diagnose and Defeat Errors 🏆 tools
Rollbar detects when code breaks in real-time. Get stack trace and diagnostic data to defeat errors.
ROLLBAR  Sponsor

AssemblyScript: A Subset of TypeScript That Compiles to WebAssembly tools

Fastify: Fast and Low Overhead Web Framework for Node.js code node

LookForward.js: Easily Create Smooth Transitions Between Pages code

vue-accordion-menu: A Simple Vue 2 Accordion Menu Component code
Wesley Chang

React-PDF: Display PDF Files in Your React App code
Demo here.
Wojciech Maj

Rythm.js: A JavaScript Library That Makes Your Page 'Dance' code
Demo here.
Benjamin Plouzennec

Realtime Updates on Web and Mobile That Just Work 
Pusher  Sponsor