#564 — November 12, 2021 |
JavaScript Weekly |
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'Rust is the Future of JavaScript Infrastructure' — It’s an opinion but the growing evidence is compelling. Rust (as well as Go) is now being heavily used to replace parts of the JavaScript tooling ecosystem that might have otherwise been written in JavaScript before (e.g. Rome, SWC, dprint). Lee Robinson |
Airbnb's Extensive JavaScript Style Guide — It’s been a few years since we mentioned this hugely popular, opinionated style guide, but it continues to get frequent updates/fixes and the first major update (v19) in two years has just been tagged. Airbnb |
![]() Manage the Stability of Your Electron Apps with Bugsnag — Capture JavaScript and native errors with end-to-end error reporting and diagnostics to fix the errors that matter and streamline user experience. Learn more. Bugsnag sponsor |
Vercel Hires Rich Harris, Creator of Svelte — ‘Person gets job’ isn’t the most obviously interesting story out there, but when it’s the creator of Svelte (and someone who has ▶️ lots of great insights on how webapps should be built) joining a platform that will enable him to focus even more strongly on the project, it’s exciting as Rich himself says. Guillermo Rauch |
Bundle Scanner: Identify npm Libraries Used on a Web Page — Enter a URL and this tool will try and show you what npm packages were used in the page’s JavaScript even if they’re all bundled up. There’s an explanation of how it works. Or some example results for Kent C Dodd’s fancy new homepage. Markus Englund |
📆 JavaScript Marathon: A Week of Free Online Courses/Talks — Between November 15-19 (that’s next Monday to Friday), several JavaScript developers are giving online workshops on things like NgRx, GraphQL, XState, and Vite. This Dot Labs |
RELEASES: RxDB 10.4 – Realtime database for JS apps. |
📖 Tutorials, Opinions & Stories |
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The Invisible JavaScript 'Backdoor' — It’s one thing if you can read some code to discover sneaky backdoors, but what if the code looks totally fine, yet really it’s not? Invisible Unicode characters make it possible as we see (or not) here. One mitigation against this is to have your editor highlight such troublesome characters such as with the Gremlins extension for VS Code or Sublime Text. Wolfgang Ettlinger |
Developer-First Infrastructure Using JavaScript and Pulumi — Build, deploy, and manage modern cloud applications and infrastructure using JavaScript. Get started for free. Pulumi sponsor |
How to Toggle Dark Mode on a Page with a (Literal) Blink — It’s arguable how useful this specific use case for Tensorflow.js is, but it’s interesting, works quite well (for me.. even with glasses on), and could lead you on to other things. Ankur Kedia |
Earning $1.5M in Revenue from a JavaScript Component — I know some of you love the occasional entrepreneurial story and maybe Marcin Warpechowski of Handsontable will inspire you with his. Indie Hackers |
Node-RED in Industrial IoT: A Growing Standard — Node-RED is a long standing Node.js-based ‘low code’ environment where you wire components together and it’s taking on established commercial systems in the industrial world. United Manufacturing Hub |
Beyond onClick: Handling Events in React Lightstep sponsor |
How to Speed Up Your TypeScript Monorepo with |
Localizing Your Next.js App: The Basics
🛠 Code & Tools |
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Splide: Lightweight and Accessible Slider/Carousel — It’s nice to see a clean, modern spin on the often maligned UI element. The homepage is packed with demos too. No dependencies, written in TypeScript, and boasts a clean report from Lighthouse. GitHub repo. Naotoshi Fujita |
Vuestic 1.3.0: A Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 — Some data tables have been added, along with a time picker. Epicmax |
Liqe: Lightweight Lucene-like Parser and Search Engine — Lets you use Lucene-style search query syntax to query or test things you have in JavaScript objects. Interesting idea. Gajus Kuizinas |
Tried. Tested. Trusted. Studio 3T - Power Tools for MongoDB — Intuitive IntelliShell. Generate JavaScript from queries. Reshape data with Reschema. Try Studio 3T free for 30 days. Studio 3T sponsor |
MiniMasonry.js: Minimalist Dependancy Free Masonry Layout Library — ‘Masonry’ layouts are where you get a wall-style effect on pages with elements laid out in strictly defined columns (or rows, sometimes). Spope |
Meet Hydrogen: Shopify's React Framework for Dynamic, Contextual and Personalized E-Commerce — Hydrogen is an in-development React framework bringing tech like Server Components and Vite into play for building custom stores on Shopify's ecommerce platform. Ilya Grigorik (Shopify) |
Bree 7.0: A Versatile Job Scheduler for Node — Supports cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly for scheduling things. Made to help run Forward Email. GitHub repo. Nick Baugh |
hashids.js: Small Library to Generate YouTube Style IDs from Numbers — If you don’t want to expose numeric IDs to end users, this is an interesting option. Bazyli Brzóska |
Vant: 65+ Lightweight Mobile UI Components Built with Vue and TypeScript